Chapter 7

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Tomorrow's the first day, it's almost midnight and I'm still up. I just can't sleep while having some good memes. I have nothing better to do, so I spammed Bakushit and Izuku memes.

11:54 PM
From: Bakagou Katsushit

11:55 PM
From: Bakagou Katsushit

11:55 PM
To: Bakagou Katsushit

Lol No
11:56 PM
From: Bakagou Katsushit


I was about to spam them again when my door slammed open with a very exasperated Izuku.

"Go to fucking sleep Izumi and let me rest in peace.." He ordered.. wow.. I pissed him off.. this is rare.

"Don't die brother.." He gave me a death glare. If looks could kill, I'm probably dead again.

"Okay okay! I'm gonna sleep. Nyt.." Lol, I don't want him to Detroit smash me in the face.


"Fuck it.. I'm running late.."

*le cue morning rituals*

"Bye Biji!! Bye Mom!"

I called Izuku while I was running to school. He picked up after 3 rings

"You fucktard! You didn't wake me up" I yelled at him "that's you're fault for spamming me. I was almost sleep deprived you know." He retorted..

I ranted and ranted, I was in the middle of my speech when he hunged up quite rudely..

Wow what an ass. I wish he was this confident to everyone. So, to everyone who thought that Izuku is innocent. Then you guys are fucking wrong. He's not. He's a sinnamon roll.

Gross sweat run down to my spine when I arrived at UA. Specifically I am in front of class A, panting and out of breath. I barely made it. Wew. I opened the door and searched the room. I saw my brother sitting on a corner, then I yelled "You're an asshole nii-san!"

Izuku stared at me like I've grown two heads, all eyes are on me now, and then they stared at me and Izuku back and fort..

"We're twins" I explained, they nodded their heads in understanding. Izuku looked really embarrassed right now and I can't help but snort at his demise.

"So.. what's your name?" A girl who looks like a frog asked, must be the Asui Tsuyu.

"Midoriya Izumi, just call me Izumi all of you, to avoid complications.. nii-san is politer than me so..." I shut my mouth because I started to feel uncomfortable. Ahh. Society.. I don't like it. I hope they got the idea to just call Izuku 'Midoriya'.. I'm sure they're not dumb so I don't need to explain anymore.

"I'm Asui Tsuyu, call me Tsuyu" she stated, I nodded my head as a response. I walked away and happen to hear a happy mumble from the grape kid.. "I can call a girl by her first name!" He said..

Well... congrats?

I was about to sit down to my assigned seat when a strong grip catched my wrist. I look down to see my captor who happens to be, Bakushit.. aww men. I got caught.

"You bitch. You have no fucking right to interrupt my sleep!" He said, lol, I guess he's still angry. I gave myself a pat.

"I do what I want" I said blankly at him, trying to tone down my urge to laugh at his demise.

"Why do you even have my number?!" I hacked your phone lol.

"Care to find out?" I teased and successfully escaped his grip. I resumed to sit down. To think of it, how does Bakushit knows that it's me spamming the shit out of him? Does he had my number?... well, who cares? Definitely not me.

I was seated between Todoroki Shoto and Yaoyorozu Momo, I feel bad now.. They're supposed to sit beside each other. I admit they're cute together but I'm a fujoshi. I don't have any desire to ship them.

Anyway, this person on my right side is annoyingly attractive. If I can remember correctly, his quirk's name is Half-Hot Half-Cold.. and I'm gonna comment on how it suited not only to his quirk but also to himself. He's so hot but his personality is cold. Totally my type!

it's not like I like him romantically though.

Urgh. Puberty.. fuck it...

Instead I move my head to look at Yaoyorozu smiling at me..

"Hello" she said while smiling sweetly. My eyes lit up from her cuteness

"Are you an angel?" I mumbled, she didn't hear me so she sent me a confused look. "Nothing, and hello to you too.. I'm Midoriya Izumi, just call me by my name.." I introduced myself.

"I've heard about you before, my name is Yaoyorozu Momo.." She said, I was about to ask her for what she meant when the homeroom teacher came.

He said his name is Aizawa Shota and he's a pro hero.. an underground hero, Eraserhead. He looks like he can kill but he's actually a huge softie. I want to tease him but I need to tone the fuck down because of our differences.

Well, instead of listening, I drifted to sleep.. It's the table's fault I swear..

"HUH?! WHAT?!" I yelled in panick.I heard my classmates giggling, while my brother looks like he's dying to say something.. someone smacked my head hardly and I looked up to see my attacker..

Oh Shit, I'm doomed..

"You're in your first day and you're sleeping.. pay attention" Aizawa-sensei said with a toned down voice.. it was actually pretty scary.

"Sorry sensei.." I apologized. He's still glaring but he didn't comment anything anymore, instead he continued where he left off.

I was about to hit my head on the table to go back to sleep when I caught Todoroki staring. "What?" I mouthed at him, he didn't answer. I stared at him quite confused, so I shrugged it off..

How weird..

I was trying to find a comfortable position to sleep when a pen was sent flying towards my direction and hitted my head, bullseye.

"Midoriya Izumi, detention office now." Aizawa-sensei commanded, I stood up immediately, hand saluted.

"Yessir!" I ran out from the classroom..

I debated whether to go to the infirmary to sleep or go to detention to sleep. I choose the latter for less trouble. Better follow the teacher or I'll end up being kicked out or buried underground.

I slept in the detention for the whole morning.



Sorry for the errors and for my horrible writing style !

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