New Chapter 21

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The media has been rowdy about the fall of Ingenium for a while now and that didn't help Izuku's nerves at all. He's been worrying about his friend whom is miles away from him.

A friend who's having an emotional problem isn't familiar with Izuku, he lacks asset on this field and he knows it. Well aside from having Bakugou as a childhood friend, his tendencies to explode- no pun intended- isn't something healthy for him- no offense to that, just merely speaking the fact- and his sister Izumi, who is certainly not a good influence at all.. And is somewhat emotionally constipated, didn't help Izuku to gain an ability to be a pillar in hard times.

Come to think of it, he never saw his sister cry.. Even as a kid.. She never cried once.. Maybe she did, not just in his presence. He couldn't know.

But one thing he's been worrying about was his sister herself..

Izumi is a lot tranquil than before. Always absent minded to the point where it scares him a little. How she trips over her feet, how she accidentally poured boiling water on her hand, which was okay now by the way, and how she stares at the abyss looking like she's planning a world domination.

Everything she do screams that she is not in the best condition.

Izuku tried to reach up and ask but she chose to hide it like what she usually does.

He's not being bitter about it but he hopes that Izumi would lean on them. They are her family, they would always be willing to help, sadly, he can't force her to do something she doesn't want to do.

Well back to Iida.

The boy is doing surprisingly well, at least not something he expects. He's quite off at times but he's usually just being Iida Tenya that he is.

Doing his usual boisterous gestures and all..

At least there's something.....

Unlike a certain four eyed girl..

He didn't ignore how his stomach churned for his sister.

I wish you would tell me what is going on inside your head..

A green haired girl was walking on the road with a backpack too big for her size. Her ponytailed hair swinging in sync with her steps. She walked for a few before she saw herself standing in front of a building.

She fixed her glasses before dragging herself forward to a narrow alleyway. Later, her knuckles meet a mahogany door knocking in a way that will make you think twice if you should really open the door.

The person on the other side did expect a visitor, so they opened it without question.

Her eyes widened in anticipation when she saw nothing inside. Who opened the door? She clearly heard someone complaining about her loud knocks.

Cautiously, she put her foot inside before she got in fully. Eyes scanning around letting the interior design sink in her mind. The place isn't so bad, well the hero she chose to intern into isn't famous for nothing. Famous underground at least..

He's an underground hero afterall..

But where is he?..

The door behind her shut. She instantly whipped her head around to look but like before, she saw nothing..

Is this place hunted???

"No, it's not."

Izumi clutched her chest in shock. Did she say that aloud? Who is this person?

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