Chapter 11

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A dashing young girl was trying to get away from the people who are following her, her long green hair swayed by the air hitting her face. Her youthful features, around 9 years old, was peculiarly making a difficult expression which wasn't often for children.

Because of her brilliant mind, she managed to get away from her stalkers. "Tch, to that think I was reborn to face this shit.. how fucking unfortunate." She whispered in a pissed off manner. She came out from her hiding space to witness the amazing dusking sky. The scenary at the beach was almost perfect if it wasn't for the dump of trash loading the beach.

She traveled her gaze around the area, then she saw a dog, the greenette squealed internally. She loved dogs as much as she loves her family. The young lady witnessed a scene that broke her heart. The unfortunate dog was hit by a car when it tried to cross the road.

She choked in the sob and ran at the poor soul who's badly injured. She thanked the heavens when she saw the dog breathing. When the green haired bespectacled girl was about to reach the said area, a blonde girl reached the area first. The former paused to watch silently.

She watched as the blonde's hand touched the injuries of the dying whimpering dog, the hand glowed in a brilliant light, the glow was amazingly gorgeous, it took her breath away. After that, the dog was miraculously healed and was barking in a grateful way towards the stranger.

The strange girl smiled kindly at the dog but the greenette can see the obvious tiredness of the former's gentle features. After the dog took off, the blonde collapsed. The bespectacled girl ran towards the tired blonde.

"Hey! Are you okay??!" As the green haired was about to lend a hand to the blonde, the latter gestured to stop the former from touching her. The blonde took a step back and touched a nearby plant, she used the hand she used to heal the dog, an indimidating dark glow happened and the plant instantly died.

"Woaahh!! What just happened?!" The bespectacled girl exclaimed..


The calming sound of the night was disrupted by the heavy breathing coming from Izumi. Her usual calm expression was changed to panic, as she dreamed about everyone dying from the hands of the villains. It was in USJ, she dreamed that the villains plan was successful.

Izumi let out a shaky breath, she moved her left hand to the bedside table and grabbed her glasses. She longed for a fresh air to breath as she was starting to suffocate in her room.

Izumi was lost in her thoughts, panic and fear was all she felt inside, she was confused wether to warn UA that villains will attack on the day of the 'rescue mission' for the students or to just leave anything be, not risking the probability of changes..

What if she warns them and then the butterfly effect will act leading the villains triumph. No, she will not risk it... but what if her mere presence affected the flow already, She wasn't supposed to be here, she's not from here.. She wants to know her purpose of being reborned..

No, she was from here, she was given birth in here, she was a member not an intruder, this ran through Izumi thoughts. She needs to warn the school as a duty of a student, a student in UA and as the person in charge. She don't need to be scared. Fuck that! The safety of the students are way more important!


"You're early today Izumi, Izuku isn't even awake yet..." Inko commented on her daughter's unusual action because Izumi would usually wake up late. The younger tied her hair into a bun and adjusted her glasses. She took a piece of bread before she proceeded to wear her shoes.

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