Chapter 29

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Izumi woke up in a slight panic. The petite girl had shown up to her dreams again, or rather she sees it as a nightmare. There was something about that girl that struck her on the wrong side. Not that the girl in her dreams emitted an aura which can make a human know that she's dangerous, rather, Izumi feels extremely uncomfortable whenever she looks at her eyes.

Even now that she's awake, the image of the young girl's eyes are still vivid in Izumi's mind. Her silver blank eyes sends shivers to her as if it's pulling her fears upwards. Just thinking about it makes her tremble slightly.

Someone stirred from beside her startling Izumi who peeked over her shoulder to check on who was it. Uraraka lifted her head, traces of sleep noticeable on her face. She rubbed her eyes in daze and sent Izumi a sleepy gaze.

"Is something wrong?" Uraraka asked softly, her voice almost a whisper that Izumi can barely hear it. Izumi stoop over to Uraraka, pushing her down gently before placing the comforter on her.

"Everything's good, sorry I woke you up."

Uraraka didn't protest any further directly succumbing to her comforter. She nodded weakly. Izumi barely held back a small smile as she deemed Uraraka close to a cat.

Izumi stayed still gazing at the ceiling. She can't sleep even if she tried. A sigh escaped from her mouth before she stood up slowly, careful that she'll wake further of her roommates.

Once she got out from the house, Izumi examined the area around it. There's a lot of trees like she expected. Sighing in disappointment before looking up. Her breath hitched as she witnessed the starry night sky, she had not seen something like this before. It was absolutely breathtaking, words can't justify its beauty.

Walking in the silent forest, she closed her eyes feeling the cold air that clings to her skin. The air that she was breathing in is clean enough to make her want more. She never felt free before, it was like all her anxieties, problems and insecurities are stripped off of her. It was something that she ever needed and was a bit devastated that she never considered doing it before.

Further inside, she spotted an area comfortable enough to lay down. The stars shining above her just makes things a bit more easier for her.

She lay down there for who knows how long, just staring at the sky without any thoughts. It was then she felt something on her cheek. She lifted her hands, curious on what was it. When it finally came, her eyes widened slightly.

She had been crying all this time.

She let out a soft laugh, not bothering to stop the tears that started to overflow.

There's no one around.

Just her.

The forest.

The night sky.

The world.

No one can see her.

But that knowledge didn't stop her from covering her eyes.

She apologized to the universe for witnessing something unsightly.

Izumi had fallen asleep.



Everything is dark.

She can't feel anyone. Anything.

She tried to scream.

But she can't even hear her voice.

Panic swelled up inside her.

Whispers of help coming outside of her lips.

She tried to run, run as fast as she can.

When she felt eyes looking at her.

The same eyes that haunts her all the time.

The empty eyes of the young girl.

She dashed faster.

Hope filled up when she saw a beacon.

In the end, it was her, sitting on the chair too big for her size.

Izumi stopped in front of the figure, soft huffs escaping her lips. She gaze directly at Izumi before stepping down from the chair.

"Hello..." matching from her cold features. The young girl, wearing a white long dress that touched the floor, white hair flowing with the light around her. Everything about her is shining in a white light.

She was close to the description of an angel, even though her eyes says otherwise.

Her eyes are empty, but wise. Wise enough to intimidate a lot. You can see what she had been through, ending you ecstatic that you didn't experience the same.

She stood directly in front of Izumi before looking up to gaze at her eyes.

She's demanding Izumi to not look away. Izumi implied, fearing what will happen if she refused.

"I am Nemesia...The Gatekeeper... I'm the one who's guarding the gates of all the universes that exists. Every souls passes through me, and you... You manage to slip away."

"That makes you different...

...and dangerous..." Nemesia continued.

Izumi gulped. Cold sweat rolling down her hack.

"You're supposed to be a dead soul that will journey back to the Tree. The Tree where all souls are created. Yet your soul managed to go against the rules and wander away the right path..."

"Astray Souls, are what we call you, and you are the fourth Astray..."

"Astray souls, have the ability to disrupt a world's law, order and flow, that will cause a destruction and will lead a Universe to cease from existing, even affecting the universe close to it... Ending all life like a domino..."

"... And Astray Souls themselves, the cause of all the unbalance, are also the only ones who can stop it."

"So Mianna, known as Izumi Midoriya from the current world you resides in..."

"... I hereby contract you to take an action and stop this phenomenon."



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