Chapter 19

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Hi guys! I made a Todoroki x Reader story, the title is Carnation, I hope you can check it out :) .. and It was already completed by the way :> *hides*



Hi, I am Izumi and my current situation is.. Fucking annoying! All of us are freaking clogged inside this narrow path! Ooh how I want to kick the motherfucker who accidentally stroked my boobs!

Not that it's worth protecting because duh, it's not that big, but still!! I feel humiliated!

While I'm in the middle of my trance, silently cursing people and society for existing, my burning head suddenly felt a chill, so I look down just to see  my feet trapped in the ice. My eyes rolled upto Jerusalem. Ughh Todoroki! He did this to escape faster, how clever of him, but now's not the time to get awed by this, I need an immediate plan to bunk out from this ice!

There! That person is in class B! I've seen him used his quirk once, he was so damn fast but I have no idea what's the price of his power.. Now if he'll run I'll grab his hand..

Wait for it..




I throwed myself towards him and judging by what I'm feeling, I think I grabbed his elbow.

I did successfully escaped the ice but the man was looking so exhausted already. He was actually drowsy, then he nodded his head to me, his eyes widened at my figure so I gave him a little salute.

"thanks for the free ride!" a soft chuckle can be heard from me as I left him on the ground trying to drag his exhausted self.... Poor him, his quirk might be amazing but the price is rather heavy.

A few seconds of running, everyone whose ahead of me abruptly paused, their heads were looking upwards so I followed their example. A smirk was drawn on my face to what I saw. Heh, this one will be easy. It's the same robots I've seen on the exam.

"excuse me guys!" the words came out  from my mouth as I shoved myself through the crowd. On the exit, Todoroki's figure was seen, he was looking up eyeing the 0 point robots locking us as its targets.

Before I can move my ass, Todoroki already attacked the giant robots and after a few seconds, he completely annihilated it. My jaw dropped a little but then shook it off to change my target, its the 0 point robot on the left side who was about to attack the students in front. They quickly evaded it though.

"let me handle this.." I mumbled as I locked my eyes towards it. I traveled my eyes trying to find a way on how can I get on it and try to hack it's system to make it in my control. Then a familiar voice talked behind me.

"what are you trying to do?" It was Shouji, he was confused at my glimmering gaze to him. He can throw me up with that multiple arms!

"Shouji! Bless you bro! Can I ask a favor!"

"u-uuh sure"

"I need you to toss me upwards please!!"

"huh? Are you insane? Is this one of your crazy, no, suicidal ideas?!"

"please! Just do it!"

He did not utter a single word and lifted me up. I braced myself to prepare my landing.

Shouji tossed me quite forcefully, nonetheless I landed safely to the 0 pointed robot's arm.

"thank you!!"

After that grateful demeanor, I dragged myself to its control panel doing acrobatic stunts as I evade the robot's attacks.

Then after that life and death situation— I know I'm exaggerating— I finally arrived at the panel. Opening it skillfully, my hands were careful as I did a few tweaks to its control.

In just a few seconds the robot is now in my control! Yess! Success!

Deja Vu? Lolol

Now I was just after the running Todoroki. He tilted his head just to see me in control at the robot behind him.

He can just ice me with my robot but I don't think he can catch me by my distance to him so I think I'm safe. Then I heard a booming voice behind me.

"half-half bastard! Dumbitch!" cue Bakugou's threatening voice, the boi was trying to catch up on us. I adverted my attention away from him and focused on what's in front. That was when I saw the cliff.

A sigh escaped from my lips as I stopped my robot. Guess it's a goodbye then. It took me some time to set the robot and positioning myself to its palm, thus Bakugou successfully took the head start from me.

In a split seconds after Bakugou took over, I found myself flying because of the robot throwing me through the other side of the cliff. I readied myself for the landing so I imitated a cat's posture to land safely.

It was surprisingly effective that I lead after Bakugou once again. Hehehe didn't think it would work!

Now I was almost side by side Todoroki but I can't immediately catch up because of these land mines.

Then I heard Bakugou yelling names at us for the second time, I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes.

Doing a little gymnast skills, I evaded the land mines successfully to the point where I did run beside Todoroki now. We're having a little tug of war when Bakugou joined in.

The dumbass actually tried to be violent so we had no choice but to defend ourselves.

The fight longed for minutes as we— Todoroki and me— seems to be against Bakugou at this, my eyes met the heterochromatic ones as I sent him a knowing look. A signal to team up against Bakugou to get rid of him.

We were then interrupted by a huge explosion behind us that we abruptly stopped our little conflict. We thought it was just an explosion but then we saw Niisan flying with a piece of metal— I think it's from the robots— and was now leading us all. Both of them snapped out from their tracks faster than me —well because he's my brother and seeing him leading makes me very proud!— so I ended up being pushed accidentally stepping a land mine.

Fuck you Bakushit!

I was quick to compose myself and silently thanked Todoroki for using his ice. I guess he did not care anymore because Niisan was already leading.

Then an explosion happened again, though it was weaker this time and it was in front. Assuming that's another turbo from Niisan, I ran to catch up.

Now I was a few centimeters away from Bakugou, who was behind Todoroki, my resentment to running disperse for a short time.

Then the results came to our efforts, Niisan was the victor, Todoroki was the second, Katsushit was the third and I fortunately was the fourth one to arrive.

After I arrived, I immediately collapsed on the ground..

Fuck.. This is why I hate running!

It's tiring as hell!

Purpose || Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction (WARNING: VERY SLOW UPDATE)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang