• Mary •

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"That's Horrible.." Before Izumi knew it, tears were streaming down her eyes

"I can't refuse, the Villains forced me to join them. If I refuse..... they'll kill Seto-niisan.. but now, they've done it... I don't know what to think anymore, I don't know what to feel. Questions ran inside my mind making a havoc. Are all my sufferings worthless? Did I harm the innocent for nothing? I sided with them to protect my brother but now.. now... now.." Rage was clear in Mary's eyes, she loathed them, she wanted to hunt her brother's killer even if she'll die in the process

Izumi was feeling sick. A human in Mary's age shouldn't be feeling so much sadness, anger and hatred. It was just cruel, children was supposed to be carefree with their lives. The Innocence that should be protected was taken from her

All Izumi can do was cry silently for her friend and her deceased brother, but there is something that she can do right? She can help Mary right?.. but how? How can she do that... Yes she's supposed to be older than her, adding her past age and her currently growing age, but that doesn't mean she's experienced.

She still got lots of things to learn, she needed guidance and she's not afraid to admit it.

An idea stuck in her head, she can help Mary search for the killer! She knew learning hacking was not a mistake!

"I can help you with searching Seto-san's killer, but you need to promise me one thing.."

Hope shoned in Mary's eyes, she nodded her head willing to accept Izumi's condition. She'll do anything to avenge her brother

"Never engage the person, promise me that!"

Anything but that, nonetheless, Mary nodded her head.

Izumi didn't know that she made a huge blunder



Breathless from running Izumi finally reached the narrow alley way, Mary's crouching form was bloodied she was even croaking in pain.

Izumi frantically rans towards the injured Mary, while she was at it, she ripped a piece of her clothe to wrap it around Mary's wound.

"Oh, so you had a company~"

The coldblooded jerk taunted, Izumi was trying har to control her emotions. She can't afford to lose it here! She needed to be rational to save Mary.

"R-run I-izumi! Get a-away! He's strong! You can't p-possibly take him down!"

"I can't leave you here!!!"

"L-listen! Please!"

"I'm sorry"

The man laughed harshly, he was enjoying himself. His grin traveled up to his ears, trying to scare Izumi but she wasn't fazed. The man smirked in interest. This girl.. She's not afraid of death at all..

"Who might you be?~ Oh, I know you! You are Izumi!" He crackled a laugh

Izumi invisibly flinched, how did this guy knew her? Is she a target too? But why?

"You... how do you know me?" Izumi asked cautiously, she positioned her body to defend herself if the man attacks.

"Let's just say~ You're a target too! We need to kill either you or her brother! The brother was the closest to me so I choosed to kill him, I still remembered how he fought back!" The manic laughed he was displaying brought disgust to both Izumi and Mary

Izumi suddenly felt guilty, if it was her Seto would still be alive.. the villain has sensed her demise that's why his doting the words more and it was successful

The dread was growing and growing, she was starting to shake and her breaths was getting hard to catch, she was later saved from it by a shout,


Izumi flinched, that voice cleared her mind. That's right, the one at fault here was the man himself. Her expressioned darkened as she made the first move.

"Izumi! No!"

The man didn't budge, he was just laughing while Izumi's keeping on jabbing him. Oddly, all of that jab didn't even fazed him. Later, She felt the pain... the places she attacked,

It went back to her


Mary can't speak, her wounds was exhausting her. She badly wanted to say that to her but she can't do it anymore.

The Villain laughed smugly, his grin was spreading wide, he opened his mouth,

"You can't harm me! No matter what you will do, you're attacks to me will be deflected to yourself!"

He keep on laughing and laughing and laughing. Izumi took that time to analyze, gathering her thoughts of the possible answers and weaknesses. If she'll harm him, the wounds she would imply to him would show to herself. Harming him can injure her.. so what if..

As if sensing her idea Mary shook her head up to look at Izumi in horror. No! She can't do what she's thinking! It would be too risky!

Izumi returned her gaze in a reassuring way, she smiled softly and mouthed,

'Stay alive'

Mary gasped and was shaking her head in disapproval, she should stop! She needed to be stopped, Mary can't afford to lose someone dear anymore!!

With a last warm smile,

Izumi stabbed herself right in the heart.

Knees meet the floor as the dying form sent a look at her opponent..

He was in the same state, he was dying

Izumi cried in relief, her intuition is right. She guess that death must really love her but now she will face it with a smile.

She summoned her strength in able to shift her position and took a last glance at her friend, she wanted to see Mary before her heart will give in.

Mary was frantically moving close to Izumi, who was gasping for air. Just a little more! As long as she can touch Izumi!

Her small fingers traveled to Izumi's bloodied face. The greenette was smiling warmly at her but now, it was Mary's turn to say goodbye.

Izumi finally sinked the situation in, her smile immediately changed into a frown. The Blood was dripping fastly out from her mouth.

Mary smiled her bright smile as she thought 'I'll see you again Seto-niisan!'

The slender fingers glowed, the glow that captivated Izumi, the glow that she had always love.

The pain was transferred to Mary without another living thing to pass.

She died by the weakness of her quirk.

Izumi can't forget the expression Mary wore as she greeted death with a smile..

Izumi fainted with two dead bodies.

Remembering that day, she wouldn't wish to experience the sense of losing a love one again. That's why, she will try her best to spare others from feeling that same kind of pain by saving people.


End of Izumi's past

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