Chapter 9

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"Welcome back.." Inko welcomed her twins with a smile. Izumi immediately recognized it as fake. She knew that something was bothering her mother. Izumi has to ask that later.

Izuku kissed his mother's cheek before he proceeded to walk inside his room. His twin sister followed him but she stopped and turned towards the kitchen to drink.

That wasn't the real reason though

"Mom, is there something bothering you?" Izumi asked her mother who currently just walked in, in the kitchen

She's straight forward as usual

"No.. there's not.."

"I know you're not mom.."

"You shouldn't concern yourself to it... I'm fine" Her mother said with a nervous smile, Izumi frowned.

"I have the right to worry about my mother right?" Inko breathed in at her daughter's words. She was deeply touched considering that Izumi was rarely this expressive.

"Then, if my Izumi really insists.." Inko sighed as she faced her daughter, her usual soft expression visibly changed to worried.

"It's that I'm really just worried about my kids being a hero... That job is no doubt dangerous and to think that both of you are going to that field of work couldn't possibly make me feel good...." Her mother looked away from Izumi's gaze, afraid of offending her daughter.

"And to receive that call earlier maked my heart sinked" Inko laughed slightly, it's certainly not a happy one "My heart dropped just for Izuku's finger, I don't think I can take it if the both of you inflicted a serious injury...." Izumi's mouth went dry, She doesn't know what to say. A flash of vague memories entered her mind featuring Izuku's injuries from many respective fights. It didn't help her a bit. Izumi pursed her lips. After a few seconds of silence, she tried to lift her mother's worry and said,

"I will try my best to avoid from being hurt... and as for Izuku, I'll watch over him for you mom besides, siblings needs to protect each others back right? I'm sure nii-san will gladly do so.."

Inko's face softened, she was glad that her daughter made an effort to comfort her mother. She was very glad that her daughter was there for her.

"You better.." Inko smiled in content, Izumi mirrored her expression

Izumi swored to protect her brother for the second time, but she'll do her best to do it differently this time. She'll just find the reason why she existed in this world along the journey.

She did sign up as a hero, so why not try to use her limited knowledge of the future to protect those who needed it.. Like Iida's brother...

Izumi does not know if she can pull it off but it's worth trying..

'I can't really say that my knowledge can help up to the end because I've only watched the anime upto the 2nd season, I didn't read the manga... and to add, I can only remember the events vaguely... I'm so useless.. what should I do?'

Her thoughts was all over the place, thinking about the steps she should do in able to change things differently.. but she's a bit hesitant, the butterfly effect can still happen..

Izumi settled in talking to Izuku for now and worry things later.

As she was staring at the door with an All Might thingie with Izuku's name, she doesn't know what its called, and knocked the door thre times. In a span of seconds she heard a rustle coming from the inside, after that the door opened.

Izuku's confused expression greeted the hacker. She walked inside the room, all might posters are everywhere, the computer was on and the bed was arrange neatly. She grabbed a random book from Izuku's shelf and sat on the nearby single couch.

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