Chapter 5

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I grabbed my jogging pants, a weird hoodie that dad gifted and my converse shoes which I randomly picked. I adjusted my glasses ready to go out.

I was about to open the door when a thought came in. 'How about I'll test my strength here' .. I inhaled then punched the wall with half of my strength. A huge bang came and a cracked formed. I looked at the wall in bewilderment.

'Oops.. mom's gonna kill me'

I heard a frantic footsteps coming to my direction, a gasp that came from my mother I hear. I move my head to look at her shocked face.

"Oh My! Izumi?! Are you okay?" She stopped to look at the cracked wall . "What happened?! Did someone tried to shot your head?!" she asked looking flustered and worried

"Wha-? No mom! Don't worry! No one tried to shot me! I di--"

"What happened here?! Did someone tried to hurt our Izumi?! Who was it ?! I'll give him a reward!" Izuku inserted

"What the hell! Wanna go wrestle right here?!" Mom slapped my shoulder lightly "Izumi! Language!" She scolded. "Bring it on!" Izuku just straight out ignored mom. A vein popped out from mother's forehead then she poked our heads.

"Stop it you two!." She pouted at us, Izuku and I shared a glance after we broke out laughing.

"Really..?" Mother sighs "you two are getting out of control" she shook her head from left to right "what am I gonna do, Hisashi.." she mumbles the latter

"Mom, stop overreacting" I declared with a laugh. She looked at me in disapproval

She sighed for the second time then proceeded to look at me flatly "we're out of topic now, so tell me what happened here.." she asked still looking at me, Izuku then followed mother's stare.

"I punched the wall to test my strength?" I answered with a sheepish laugh. all I can say that Mom's reaction was priceless. She actually fainted with "My frail looking baby punched a concrete wall.." as her last words. I can't help but laugh. Izuku stared at me in disapproval. I stick my tounge out at him. He shook his head as an answer.

"Tsk. At least go outside first you know.. now we gotta pay for repairs." Izuku said. My eyes widen in recognition "oh right.. I haven't thought about it at all.." I said sheepishly, Izuku looked like he's about to hit me in the head so I run for it.

I jogged around our neighborhood and stopped at the gym in the plaza. I worked out there for a day, I didn't even take a lunch yet so I'm really hungry right now. I exited the place to find a cafe nearby and getting a little nervous as the crowd bumps to me, totally unused to people.. now I miss my room..

Thoughts ran through my mind thinking about strategies to pass the entrance exam. I was also debating to save Izuku from injuring himself, risking his chance to pass or just stick to the idea of him hurting to ensure his passing. I choose the latter. Of course it's gonna hurt seeing him hurt but I can't interfere his chance to pass. So I'll just keep my distance from him in the exam in able to stop myself from interfering because I know I couldn't stand seeing my nii-san hurt.

My thoughts are interrupted when someone bumped into me quite stronger this time. I let out a frustrated noise and move my head upwards to see the face of my bumper. I was surprised to see my sworn enemy's face.

"Wow, so nerd number two finally came out from her dumb cage huh?" The 'oh so awesome' Katsuki Bakugou came into my view. I resisted the urge to punch the jerk's face.

"You're dumber than my cage." I rolled my eyes

"What the fuck did you just said!?"

"What I said you deaf.."

"Who are you calling deaf?!"

"Uhhmm.." I pretended to think "You?"

Kacchan looked like a devil incarnate right now, so I stepped back and ran for it before he exploded.. literally.

"Come back here! Nigou!" I heard his voice coming after me. Woah so he's now desperate to win. He's probably still bitter for how many times I have beaten him. He never did once win from me. That's why I'm his sworn enemy, and I totally feel the same for him. A mutual understanding.

In my past life, I didn't hate him, I actually liked his character but oddly, being reborn here changed my opinion, though I actually know the exact reason why I started to dislike him.. It's because of my twin brother.. I dislike everyone who hurts Izuku much more than I hate hard work and work hard.

My brother deserves love at all. He's just so pure that it hurts. I'm the total opposite. Even though he's my twin, we don't look alike at all.. even our personalities are different. Doesn't mean we don't share the same birthday, mother, father, blood, house and other things that bonded us. We are still one, because we are twins.

That's why seeing him hurt does the same to me.

As much as I know how a good person Bakugou is inside. I can't help it but resent him for what he did to my nii-san.


Katsuki Bakugou hates Midoriya Izuku but he hates his fucking twin sister much more. He loves to win and he always win to everyone except to her. Considering the fact that she is Deku the useless's sister makes Katsuki angrier. Izumi and Katsuki always fights over Deku but oddly enough she always win. Of course he is stronger than her but her excellent strategies and fast reactions exceeds. That's why he never wins in their fights. It irked him more that after they fight she was the one who'll tend his wounds. It doesn't make a fucking sense.

That's why he promised himself to beat her at least once. That he'll beat her to her own game. So when he found out that Izumi wouldn't set her foot out from their house anymore. He didn't know what to feel.

As he walks outside thinking about the entrance exam, he saw a familiar green haired which he hadn't see for almost 4 years. He found her lost in her own thoughts.

"Wow, so nerd number two finally came out from her dumb cage huh?"



Sorry for the errors! The grammar and my horrible writing style XD.

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