Chapter 18

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'I didn't know I can have an immediate fortune'


"Izuku, Izumi, be careful not to get hurt." Mom said while we are tieing our shoe laces. I'm gonna be alright, I wish.. Arghh! Now the anxiety is here!

"okay." I heard Niisan replied beside me. My head nods as an answer.

"I'll record it in high resolution!" Mom exclaimed slightly excited, but I know better to still sense her discomfort. She's worried again and this time I can't do something about it because I'm gonna put myself in danger no matter where you put it, the situation I'm dragging myself into I mean.

"okay." Niisan replied a little enthusiastic, my mouth remained shut and listened to their exchange instead.

"Do your best!" Mom chirped, the corners of my mouth went upwards as my heart got warmer by mom's attempt of supporting us. Well, she did great, I can feel my confidence boosted.

Niisan nodded smiling, "I'm off!" he exclaimed before he moved to go outside, my feet remained glued to the ground as I slowly shifted my head towards mom's direction.

"hmm? What is it my daughter? You need to get going or you'll be late! Hurry, go!" Mom exclaimed still smiling, I opened my mouth to inform her,

"I'm gonna go home late mom.. Maybe.. Or not gonna come back here alive.." of course I mumbled the last part, I'm not an idiot to actually say that to her. She'll have a heart attack and die.

"is that so? Okay, but make sure you come back here unscathed. Hmm?" She said with a smile that can kill. My sweat dropped from my forehead and nodded furiously at mom. After that, I walked outside and ran towards niisan to catch up.


"man! I want to wear my costume." a voice wailed behind me and it was Ashido, I was sitting beside Todoroki as usual. We are here at the waiting room to... wait duh!

"we need to wear our PE uniforms to be fair, so we can't" Ojiro replied to Ashido, wow what a reasonable man.

Todoroki stood up so I gave him a look, he paid my staring no mind and continued to eye someone. My gaze followed where he's looking and saw niisan fidgeting on his chair. Why was Todoroki looking at my brother?

I was about to ask when Iida opened the door,

"Everyone, are you ready?! We will be entering soon!" he announced, I actually jolted at my seat when he opened the door suddenly.

I was freaking out that I did not notice Todoroki walking towards my brother. Oh my gosh! Are they going to fight?!

"Midoriya." I locked my lips to prevent myself from answering, you know I'm a Midoriya too.

"Todoroki? What is it?" Niisan said confused. He was looking at Todobro with wide eyes, it was rather cute that I resisted myself from squealing because fuck! I remembered they're my OTP before, but now it's a bit disgusting.. Still! Arghh! I'm feeling so conflicted right now! Asdffhskskh.

Shooking my thoughts away, my attention focused on them. Not only me though because my other classmates are starting to notice and was now looking at them too.

"Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you." Todobro declared, he's not wrong though, no hard feelings to that.

"h-huh? yeah.." Niisan was getting nervous, it's not that hard to sense. He's always nervous lmao.

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