Chapter 13

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Her small hands covered her mouth to prevent the gasp from coming out. Tears dropping slowly from her eyes as she watched the devastating news on the television. Without thinking, she bolted out from home to search for her friend. She ignored the worried calls from her mother and brother.

The green haired found herself to the beach, calming salty breezes touched her skin. She panted, out of breath from running. Searching for her dear friend, she saw the girl leaning on a boulder, crying desperate tears. Seeing her friend in that state, it immediately affected her.

Her eyes blurry from her own tears, she scooted towards her friend giving the blonde a gentle hug. Mary hugged her back as if trying to find a pillar to lean on.

Izumi didn't utter a word, she let her friend express her feelings.

"I failed to protect him, I couldn't do anything.. I let him die.. I'm so worthless.." Mary wailed, her voice broken like a shattered mirror. Izumi can feel the pain in Mary's voice. Are the people in her old life like this after she died? She doesn't know. She couldn't know.

"Shh.." Izumi patted Mary's back delicately

"He's my only family.. yet I didn't do anything to save him... I wish I wasn't a coward.. I could have prevented him from getting killed.." Izumi could feel the wetness on her shirt from Mary's cries. She moved her free hand on her face to dry her own tears.

"It's my fault.. all of this is my fault.. I wish I didn't get this quirk.. I wish I wasn't born.. I don't want to live anymore..." Hearing Mary said that. Angered swelled inside Izumi, she took a deep breath to calm herself, afraid of worsening the situation. No time for her to be angry, her friend needs her.

"It's not your fault... no one expected this to happen.."

"But I know!" Mary broked from the hug, she took a deep breath letting out a shaky breath. Her little hiccups slowed down as she stared at her friend. "Izumi.. I want to confess something to you...."

Izuku noticed his sister's quietness. Well, she's always quiet but today was a lot worse. She was always looking down. Never in his life Izuku saw his sister this..... uneasy.

He can't keep his gaze off her as they're riding the bus towards USJ. Izuku was chatting with the others, at the same time, watching his sister. Izumi was sitting beside Todoroki, who was looking out the window.

Everyone noticed that Izumi was..... odd. Well, she was always odd but today, it's a different kind of odd. A bad one. No one dared to ask, except, of course.. the only one who would dare.

"Oi, you damn midget!.. What the fuck are you moping for?!" Bakugou exclaimed, everyone's attention was on her. Though Todoroki was staring outside, he was listening.

They expected her to explode at him or will retort at him in a violent way. Izumi was always like that, they noticed that she'll become all bitchy if you ask her about her emotions and if you mention anything about her ..... lack of height...

Today was unexpected. Instead of kicking Bakugou's ass, she replied with a smile. A coy smile.

"I'm sorry.." she murmured under her breath, this didn't go unheard by Todoroki. He stared at her puzzled but didn't do anything to pry. He's not the type to pry after all.

Bakugou was surprised, but he didn't let it show. His pride wouldn't let him. That smile was a rare one, it means she was genuinely anxious. He never thought of her as unsure, because she's always sure about what she's doing, even in combat, but that smile was the proof that she's not always strong.

Purpose || Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction (WARNING: VERY SLOW UPDATE)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt