Chapter 16

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This chapter won't be that good I think, then again I don't think I did all my chapters good.

Dundududunnn! Here's a trivia for you guys!

Did you know that Bakugou and Uraraka shares the same hero costume designer? No? Then now you know hehe! You can prove that by the two little black circles on their costumes, that is some kind of a trademark to prove that the designer designed it! Some class 1-A students shares the same costume designer too, such as Midoriya and Todoroki !

I found this fact in the manga!

"I do mind, but if it's for you then it's okay..."


Yaoyorozu visibly sighed for a second, she shifted her position then cleared her throat. I was just staring at her wondering what she'll reply.

"Thank you so much"

"It's nothing but I'd rather not talk about it here."

"Then, I suggest we talk about it in the nearby cafe"

We walked for a short distance before we've arrived at the cafe. The building looked out of place because the color was rather odd, especially the overgrown sign of which had colorful written words of 'Nearby Cafe'

It was funny how this Nearby Cafe was literally nearby to our school.

"So... what is this favor you asked?" I initiated talking first as I took a sip from my caffeine. Yaoyorozu wiped her mouth with the napkin before she replied.

"I want to ask advice from you Izumi-san.." My eyebrows raised. That was surprising really, I did not expect this at all.

"Are you sure you're running to the right person? And can you please drop the suffix." I said while munching the pancakes that I ordered. Hmm, this is good, I wonder what the chef put in it.

The brunette stared at me like I blurted out the most stupid thing in the world. Getting slightly defensive, I mouthed her a 'what?'.

"We wouldn't be here Izumi if I did ran to the wrong person.."


Silence filled us in a second before I opened my mouth to talk

"So.. what kind of advice?" My eyes meets her as I tilted my head a bit to show my confusion and curiosity

"Uhmm, To tell you the truth.. I've been watching you from the start Izumi. I really admire your tactical skills and also the way you fight.. I never seen such moves before, so I thought maybe I could get some tips from you to ready myself in the upcoming sports festival..." Yaoyorozu explained as she took a slice from her cake and ate it.

"Wow.. I never thought you think of me this way... but really... why do you want advice from someone like me? I mean, I don't think my plans are that great because all of it was risky. It can either harm an ally or can completely harm myself, I'm sure you've seen me did this a lot." Wow, this was the longest phrase I've said to her.

Yaoyorozu cleared her throat before she answered with mild surprise,

"I'm surprised you're aware of this flaw.." my expression went blank as my eyes met her and I really did not expect her to throw shade at me, she doesn't seem the type to do so.

"Of course, I know myself."

"Even so, I think you're the best person who can help me. Please Izumi, I really wish to do great in the sports festival." She stared at me with pleading eyes and I am a sucker at favors. I found it hard to refuse so I nodded my head down and sighed.


"Thank you so much Izumi. I owe you one."

"You better."

She smiled at me and I returned it. I really can't refuse things like this.

"So.. explain how your quirk function so I can proceed to plan a regimen for you to enhance it."

Yaoyorozu then explained how her quirk works and all I can say that it's really hard to do. Hmm, so the best way for her is to enhance her imagination and maybe her creativity too but all of these are not connected to her physical abilities and the latter are very much important.

Nevertheless, she doesn't really need to increase her physical abilities because her quirk is more intellectual, but the problem here is that she's in UA and being strong is required.

This is hard, I am not an adept in training someone.. this is Izuku's field not mine because of his analysis of quirks, he's more capable than me.

Then I'll just do what I can. Yaoyorozu trusted me in this and I can't just let her down.

But don't tell her that if I failed, it's not my problem anymore. I'm sure she can do better herself, she's more capable than me.

She just need to trust in herself more


My conversation with Yaoyorozu went long that I, we rather, did not notice that it's 8 pm. We were interrupted by our phones ringing simultaneously.

Both our eyes widened when it turns out that the caller was our respective mothers. We bolted out the cafe and waved goodbye along the way while running.

I arrived home with mom glaring at the poor lil me.



"Don't 'hehe' me young woman!"

"I'm sorry!!"

"Do you know how worried I was?! You could've have texted me that you'll go home late!"

Mom really is scary when she's angry. I got an earful from her for about 15 minutes before she cooled down. My arms wrapped around her while solemnly saying my apologies

There was a pause before she sighed and gave me a kiss at the forehead. I smiled at her.

My feet dragged me at the dining table with Izuku eating there. I sat down and sighed. My head shifted to the right and saw Izuku staring at me.

"... wow. How can you stay calm?"


"I mean.. mom is scary when she's angry and It's impossible to look at her with a calm demeanor if she's angry.."

"Agreed, but I'm far from calm. My heart rate is actually high right now.."

"Seriously?! It doesn't match you expression at all!"

I lifted my hand which his eyes followed. He stared at me and at my hand blankly. I guess he believe me now..

Because my hand is shaking.


Just a filler chapter ~

And I also noticed that my grammar is not that good, I'm sorry for that. TT . English is my third language so I'm not that good. Spare me guyseu! T^T .

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