Chapter 27

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*sighs* I'm sorry to tell guys but I'm losing motivation to continue this story, but I will assure you that I will finish this. If one of you wants to revise or adopt the story after it's done, I'm  gonna send you a soft copy and will delete this immediately. Not sure if that works but hey, we won't know if we won't try. Anyway, I'm at the point where I don't care anymore so I'll just do what I want.


A lot happened that day, it was surely a memorable exam that Izumi never did try before. Luckily, the three childhood 'friends' got out of the exam site and passed barely safe. They're not entirely unscathed because, hello? It's All Might. The number one hero, even if he's being hold back by his unstable condition and the weights on his body.

Though, waking up in the infirmary with two boys who can't behave, Izumi lost it and did not hesitate to throw hands at the two boys. Yes, it was Katsushit, as Izumi calls our dear Kacchan, and Izuku, who is her own flesh and blood, her soul twin.

It did not help the two boys that she was also mentally exhausted by thinking what to do now that she can't foresee the events and is afraid where to stand. Izumi still can't get the idea away from her mind that she is disrupting the laws of physics and destroying the dimension she's currently at. Izumi is convinced and nothing can seem to stop her from thinking so.

Anyway, Bakugo knew better and miraculously did not try to fought back. Izumi was silently pleased at Bakugo's obedient act. She feels like a queen, no, a hero who tamed a wild beast. Don't tell Bakugo though, he might ablaze the whole UA.

After that whole fiasco and a short discussion from the teachers, they were dismissed to their homes and Izumi can't seem to ignore Yaomomo's improved mood, or aura, whatever is that. She thought that something definitely happen involving Yaoyorozu and Todoroki. Not sure why she even need to care or less, thought about it. Huh? No of course not, Izumi is definitely not jealous. Haha.

Izumi slept really early that time. It shocked all the household members Inko almost fainted. Of course it was an exaggeration. Lol. Who knows.

The day after the exam, the whole class decided to go shopping because it's wednesday. Lol joke. To those who understood the reference, bless you. The real reason is, simply, socializing. Duh.

Izumi took a pass, giving excuse that she need to fix Ella's behavior. No one needs to know the reason that she just want to laze around the whole day lol.

As the whole class busied themselves from buying things, Izumi who is across the long roads of Musutafu fell of from her bed surprised from her own alarm clock that she did not mean to set. She woke up really pissed that she put milk before the cereal.

Izumi took a quick shower, expression still pissed, took a pissed kiss to her mother while telling her that she's going out to vent on the vending machine. Inko knocked her head lightly telling Izumi to set her mind straight.

'mom, I'm not straight...' Izumi thought.

Coincidentally, while she's walking around the area kicking a stone, she saw a certain classmate who looked like he's walking half asleep.

Izumi tackled hug the person causing them to fall on the grassy land. She grinned ear to ear when he looked like someone just robbed him.

"Ha! It's rare to see you surprised!" Izumi teased the man who is under her.

"Get off." Todoroki grumbled while pushing her away. She yelled in surprised before she fell on her butt.

Things just went on normally. Well if you see shouting banters at general public normal, then go on. After that, Izumi took Todoroki at the cinema to watch the latest horror movie. Izumi laughed the whole time, as if she was watching a comedy, while Todoroki just stayed silent. When they got out the cinema, Todoroki remained silent. It was normal to see him silent, but Todoroki's talkativeness just comes out whenever he's with Izumi, partly because she never shut up and the other part is something Shoto does not understand, well for now.

So Izumi find it weird and come to the possible conclusion that Shoto got scared by the horror movie. She laughed so hard when she push it to him and he reacted in a way that is out of character. It was confirmed that Shoto can't stand horror movies.

It's kind of refreshing to know, Izumi had thought.

All things were well not until she received the notice from her AI that the mall her classmates were in trouble because Shigaraki Tomura was there.

She panicked for a whole second before she regained herself and informed Todoroki the situation. They bolted of to them immediately, worried and thinking the possible worst case scenarios.

Izumi can't push the feeling that Izuku is in danger, so Izumi ordered her AI to infiltrate the cameras around the area at the mall. Ella confirmed her gut feeling that Izuku is indeed in danger.

She watched the whole footage of him being threatened by the villain. Todoroki did something to help her and honestly, she felt better after his whole reassurance that Izuku will be fine because he's strong.

Todoroki believed in Izuku so Izumi did the same.

And Izuku handled the situation in the best case scenario.

Though, unknown to Izumi, because of her AI's advance warning. Izumi informed the police earlier than what was expected to happen.

Because of that, two police officer who came early died when they tried to stop Shigaraki from escaping.

Izumi returned home with a relieved heart, honestly glad that her classmates did not receive any damage.

She slept soundly unknown to the little change of what was suppose to be.

She dreamed of a small girl watching her silently.

'You're not supposed to be here.'

Izumi woke up in a cold sweat.

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