Chapter 28

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I finally drew Izuku and Izumi together. It's not good though, I'm sorry about that.


Izumi doesn't know but she can't bring herself to be excited for the trip. Almost everyone in their class looked forward to the summer camp. It sucks to be a realist, Izumi knows what they'll face, definitely more training, it is predictable considering what kind of school UA is. She did not break it to her classmates though, afraid she'll get them discouraged and call her a kill joy, which she low-key is.

5:34 am, the clock just above the cupboard displayed the numbers. A pair of green eyes glanced at it, silently humming while she savored the coffee she's drinking. The silence was disturbed by the mother of the household as she brush her teeth, eyes still half closed. Izumi is not worried about the time. Class 1A's time off is on 8 in the morning and they have plenty of time for that.

"Mom, you don't need to see us off." Izuku suggested as he walk in the kitchen, sitting down to eat, which Izumi prepared for them. It might not look like it, but Izumi can cook. The real question is whether it's tasty or not.

Inko looked over her shoulder, eyes tired, yet despite that, you can't miss the smile she's giving her son. A refusal to go back to sleep was Inko's answer for the both of them. Their mother's tired stance stirred up the worry in their systems, resulting their team up persuasion of getting their mom back to sleep. As usual, Inko didn't falter, no one will absolutely stop her from seeing her children off, not even the children themselves. Inko will absolutely miss them, even if they'll be gone for a few days. Izuku and Izumi both deflated in defeat, knowing that they cannot change their mother's mind once she made a decision. Inko is stubborn like that, I mean, they both have their fair share of stubbornness in them.

A minute passed, and another, the twins stood up to go. Inko, as she planned from the beginning, watched her son and daughter off. Of course, with the farewells, telling them to take care of each other and the usual phrases a parent will say to their children when sending them off to somewhere.

"I wonder what the place is like." Izuku mused beside her as she adjusted herself on the bus seat, eager to make herself comfortable.

"Probably a lot of trees. What do you expect in a camp? Blinding lights from a city and loud music from everywhere?" Izumi grumpily replied to her brother, who just sent her a blank look.

"It was rhetorical." Izuku retorted, too done with her. He averted his attention to Todoroki, who is sitting just beside Izuku's left, to start a conversation.

"Eh, why are you sitting in an extra chair?" Izuki had asked the latter, surprised to see him on that state. He peeked over Todoroki's shoulder and saw Aoyama laying down on both seats, occupying one that was supposed to be Todoroki's.

"Aoyama upset his stomach, I scooted over to let him rest. He might get better till we arrived."

Izuku smiled at that, pondering how Todoroki is such a good guy. Izumi who listened to the conversation silently, warmed up to that and shook her head to make her thoughts about Todoroki disappear. She can't have that... For now.

Izumi sighed as she closed her eyes. The image of the young girl flashed to her mind. Green eyes immediately shot open in discomfort.

Just... Who is that girl?

Izumi succumbed to her thoughts, ignoring the loud cheers of her classmates. They had been talking and goofing around the whole bus ride. Aizawa didn't even try to reprimand them, which is weird since the homeroom teacher is keen on making his students silent. I mean, for a guy who's always sleepy, of course he would want silence and solitude.

Despite the thought that traveled to a number of them, those who are logical, ignored the possibility of Aizawa getting harsh on them. They have already done it, so make the best of it. No matter what they'll do now, it will end up with them suffering.

And it turned out that they were right all along. The bus had stopped in a middle of the road for the reason that they can get a better view of the area. It had been a scam, since the bus had gone ahead leaving them all gaping. Three heroes arrived, calling themselves as the cat...uhh cat something. Izumi can't recall as she was too occupied by Ella's detailed explanation about the area. Her AI didn't shut up even if she told her to. Izumi had been sour about that, she swears that there is something wrong with Ella's setting and reminded herself to check later.

The forest had been troublesome, especially the quirk beasts that came up from nowhere. As much as she despised her AI's bubbly personality, which she had set up in the first place because she thought it would be fun—yes it was entirely her fault— Izumi can't help but be glad that she took all her sleeping schedule just for making the AI. Ella had been really helpful. She guided them to the best path which made their jobs a lot easier.

And also unknown to Izumi, they have arrived at the camp before sunset, when they've arrived on sunset at the original story.

The advisors had been impressed, did not think of the possibility that they'll arrive early than what they've expect. These students sure have a lot of potential.

Since that was the case. They're told to cook their own food because the advisors are sure that they had the strength to do so. Loud protests can be heard and Ragdoll laughed saying that she's just trolling everyone. Yes, the feline heroes cooked for them.

It was night time when the little earpiece that Izumi invented just for the intention to talk to her AI, chimed. Indicating that Ella had woken up from her short nap. Izumi don't know how it works but Ella do sleeps, she can see Ella if she opens her phone. ((A/n: Works like how Ene—from kagerou project— does, if you know Ene you'll understand))

Which Izumi did, she turn her phone on, Ella sitting up slowly with a yawn. Her mint green hair did come up a little messy, eyes blinking from sleep.

Actually, Ella may look like she's sleeping in Izumi's phone, but she's actually breaking the internet. You see, Izumi put all her knowledge about hacking to Ella's setting, which made Ella possible to barged at firewalls without getting caught.

"So? Updates?" Izumi turn her phone off as she pull out her spoon to continue eating.

"Ehh! Boss Master,  why did you turn it off! I was happy to see your face." yes, Ella is a bit... fond of her. Izumi did not put that to her program. Maybe, it comes to all AIs?

"I don't see the need to turn it on. It'll consume battery. Enough with that... So what did you do?" Izumi accusingly whispered. Narrowing her eyes at the cctv camera. Yes, she knows Ella dived there just know. Izumi made her after all.

"eekk. You're scary boss master!"


"Boss Master... I can sense a phone receiving signal... Not too far from here... It's not someone from the camp."

To be continued

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