It Happened Again

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-1st P.O.V.- 


I had never felt better in my whole life till today. Finally, I am back home in the city, back on good terms with April, free from my parents control, and finally with Donnie again.

As I smile happily while walking down the empty sidewalk, a pair of strong hands pulled me into the alley.

I yelped in sudden surprise, frantically trying to get out of the hold of the unknown person. 

I look around and see 5 men around me. All of had the same attire on and the same smug look. I try to break free and call for help, but nobody was nearby to help.

"Aww, a damsel in distress. To bad your freaky boyfriend ain't here to save you!" He laughs. The other chuckle as well and start to surround me.

"Please sir, I can't do this again! I was already kidnapped just yesterday!" I plead. They all laugh again in my face.

The I assumed leader, leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"I don't give a single shit about what happened to ya! Im given an order an I follow it! Get her in the van!!" He hissed.

Once he had given the order, a van screeches down the alley way and stops abruptly before hitting us. Two of the men open the back and I am then shoved into the back.

I scream and kick with all my might, trying to get released from their filthy hands. My ankle is bulging with pain once again from all the kicking, and the wrap had become undone.

Once all the guys were in the van, a dirty cloth was put around my mouth and I am put in the corner with rope tied around my wrists. I frantically look around the cluttered van, trying to find some sort of weapon I could use to defend myself. I then see a broken wooden bat near me surrounded by candy warpers and other trash, but it was also near the bigger guy that was holding me. I look at the men, waiting for my chance to get to get ahold of the wooden bat.

Suddenly, the van takes a sharp turn to the right, causing the men, including myself, to fall over.

When all the guys were getting back up and yelling at the driver to drive better, I quickly grabbed the splintered bat. As the bigger guy's back was turned, I took this chance and forcefully stabbed him in the shoulder.

When he shouts in pain, the other men look to see what was happening. 

"Oh Shit!" Yelled one of them and came to restrain me. Before he could grab me, I moved my tied hands to the side and quickly hit the guy coming at me across the head, causing him to fall over on his friend behind him.

The leader in the passenger seat started yelling, demanding the 2 others to stop sitting there and contain me.

The two were in shock, seeing the bigger guy moan in pain as he bleeds out from the stab wound. I then get another idea and pull the stick out of the man's shoulder, trying hard not to smell the metallic liquid and ignore the feeling of the warm blood slide across my palms. The bigger guy shouts once again and then proceeds to pass out from the loss of blood.

I finally reach the front of the van and pull down the cloth so I could breath. I immediately put the stick close to the leader's neck, threatening to the stab him if he did anything. He sat there frozen and moved his hand towards the door handle.

"Don't even fucking try!"I hiss and press the sharp stick against his neck. This made him pull his hand back quickly, sweat no rolling down his face.

"What do I do?!" asked the driver as he panicked, pulling the van over to the closest alley.

The leader didn't speak for a moment, letting the sound of crying and moan travel it's way up to the front. He then closed his eyes and took a deep breath through his nose.

"Shredder ain't gonna like this." He growled and put his hands up.

"Stop the car! Let her go!" He says. The driver quickly stops the car and jumps out. The back doors are opened and the driver quickly steps to the side.

"Don't you EVER try to do this again!! Got it dipshit!!?" I yell in his ear. He winces and nods his head. I slowly back up and jump out the van, sprinting away from the vehicle. 

The driver nervously closes the doors and runs back to the driver's side. Once he was in, the van screeches away, making the sound of moaning and yelling get further away.

Once the van was the out of my sight, I let out the breath I had been holding in.

I look around to find any sort of street sign, but it looked liked nobody has even lived in this part of town for years.

Most of the windows were either boarded up or broken, along with the doors. The multiple lumps of cardboard around me indicated the presence of homeless people, giving you a creepy feeling that someone could be watching you right now.

I take my bag off and get the new phone Donnie made me. I turn it on and call Donnie, who's number was on the top of the contacts list.

I quickly pressed his name and put the phone to my ear, still looking around me making sure no one else was near. The phone didn't even have to ring twice before Donnie picked answered.

"Hey (y/n)!! Did you need something?" He asked happily.

I smile to myself once I heard his cheery voice. "W-well, I'm sort've lost..." I say. I slowly walk to the edge of the alley peek behind the corner to view down the creepy street. Still, they're weren't any signs saying where I located.

"What do you mean? Are you okay!?" He asked worried. I hear Mickey and Raph fighting in the background, while Leo is scolding them. "Um, Guys! Can you be quiet please!" I hear Donnie yell at them.

I laugh alittle and walk back to the safety of the alley.

"Donnie, don't freak out, but...I was kidnapped again." I say.

The other side of the phone went silent until Donnie cleared his throat.

"I'm on my way." he squeaks out.

8YearsGone(DonatelloxReader)Where stories live. Discover now