...well then...I am traumatized

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I sat on the bed and sneezed at the amount of dust that exploded upwards.

Man. Has no one been in this cabin forever or what?


Doesn't matter. I need a nap.

Let's just hope I didn't suddenly develop a dust allergy.

Cause that would suck.

A lot.

I laid out on the bed and sighed contently as I heard the waves crashing against the beach.

Mom would want me to be happy.

So would Andrew.


How can I?

Andrew, he was my mortal point. I told him where my mortal point was, but I never told him he was my real mortal point.

Or did I?

I was not lying when I said my memories were screwed up.

"Dam you Hera."

Thunder rumbled.

"Just shut up." I mumbled and turned into my side.

Just cause I don't like your wife doesn't give you permission to throw a fit.

Especially when I'm justified in my hatred.

I was about to drift off to sleep when a hand was placed on the small of my back.

That jolted me out of that nice peaceful drifting.

And being trained for four years, I had my sword out and at the mystery creatures neck.

Or not so mysterious.

"Is this necessary?"

"Sorry Dad. Force of habit. Besides you should know better than to sneak up on me." Or try to wake me up for that matter.

But I wasn't asleep so I'll let that slide.

And why is he here?

I literally saw him like ten minutes ago.

Or was it twenty?

I slowly lowered my sword. Dad told me Zeus has tried to sleep with me six times.

And I know my uncle has masqueraded as Artemis to sleep with a Hunter.

Dude that's just...ew. Gross. Like totally puke worthy.

Why Artemis though?

Couldn't he have transformed into any other girl and pretended to be a Hunter?

ADHD! I hate you!

"That's okay. You have had a rough life."

He moved up onto the bed and pulled me close to him.

I leaned into his side.

Why is he here though?

And why did he send me here?



"Why did you send me here?" He knows what memories this place would stir up.

He tensed up.

"Well. I figured you would want to have a place to gather your thoughts before going to camp."

Dad pulled me closer to him.

There was a flash of light and standing in front of us was... Dad?

The second Dad lunged forward and pulled the first Dad away from me, before holding him against a wall.

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