Chapter Twenty-Two - Say it to my face!

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After a few more extremely repetitive questions, goodness class was finally over and I was free of the torture that this society has placed upon me. Next up was Biology! Apparently, it was one of Evie's favourite lessons as she began to drag me down the hallway towards the room.
"Hey! E! Calm down, I'd rather not be the first girl to class!" I spoke in an attempt to get her to stop
"I suppose we can walk it from here" Linking her arm to mine and letting out a light chuckle, this was definitely not me. I gently slipped my arm out from under hers whilst we carried on walking, this is starting to feel way to normal- I'm not ready to be an ordinary school kid.

The walk to Biology class was short and sweet, not being passed by many unknown royals however the handful of people we passed went out of their way to get a long glance at 'the new girl'. The uncomfortably cold, harsh stares sending a slight shiver through my body causing me to pull my leather jacket closer in a shallow attempt to cover more skin- maybe I shouldn't have worn a tube top today.
"Hey, it's fine Mel. Everything will calm down by tomorrow" Evie sent a reassuring smile in my direction and I nodded
"Hopefully" I added.

The science room was made up of four large tables containing six seats on each and a row of desks at the front. The chalkboard at the front had a diagram of some sort of plant, I've never really been very good at science- except the human anatomy, I know exactly where to strike to maximise pain and how to carve out a victim without killing them, but plants? We don't really have many plants on the isle as everything is coated with a thick layer of trash and grime, plant's don't really get a chance to grow apart from a large amount of seaweed brought in from the surrounding ocean.

"Ah! A new student! And you must be?" The professor announced as soon as Evie and I step foot in the room.
"Melanie" I stated, no emotion put into my voice as I tried to keep my walls as high as they can be, I'm not here to make friends, I'm here because I am forced to be before I can find a way home. But- I mean, it isn't all that bad here...

"Okay, Miss Melanie, you can take a seat over there in between Rachel and Annabelle" He smiled as he gestured to a table closer to the back of the class where an empty seat remained between who I am guessing is the spoken Rachel and Annabelle- two overly royal names, they look like princess' too. This is not going to be fun.

I hesitantly began to amble towards the table, watching closely as each student's head rotated to face my own, the table that I was to be situated on didn't look overly excited eager, with the two girls either side moving their seats as far away from mine as they possibly could and flicking their excessively fake hair across their shoulders.

Rolling my eyes at the fakers either side of me, I pulled out the polished, wooden stool and sat lightly down before pulling it in and resting my elbows on the desk once more.

The last few people entered the classroom and took their seats just as the Professor walked to the chalkboard and wrote out the L.O for this lesson? What in Hades name does that mean?!

A wave of shining yellow books flooded through the classroom as every single student reached out for their notes book- every single student except me.
"I don't have a book" I stated as I reached my hand into the air to alert the teacher
"Oh, yes, grab one from the back" He replied, eyes still glued to the deep green board as he continued to scribble out some almost unreadable notes for everyone to copy down.

Two small sniggers escaped the girls beside me as I stood up and walked around the stool to the back of the class where dozens of ruby red plastic boxes were lined up, containing different coloured notebooks, some for different classes I am guessing.
My hand reached out towards the books that matched my class's whilst my view wondered to the glistening green gardens that are awaiting our presence just on the other side of the wall. It's not right that I am stuck in this room whilst the swathing sun rays shine down just hoping to be soaked up.

I shook my head gently, pulling me from my thoughts before somebody noticed I was stalling, grabbed a book and took it back over to the table that I was previously sitting at. I proceeded to take a pen from out of my jacket pocket and scribbled my name on the front of the book. Around me, students were eagerly jotting down needed notes and equations whilst continuing a conversation with those on their table
"Oh my, Anna, your dress for the coronation was gorgeous! Where did you manage to get it fitted at such late notice?" Rachel turned in my direction as she began to speak to the girl behind me
"My mother found somewhere, anyway mine was nothing in comparison to yours. Teal contrasts perfectly with your dark hair and brings out the light in your eyes" The girl replied, complementing her friend whilst all Rachel replied was "I know."

A light snort escaped my lips at how vain the petty princess next to me was, her dark brown hair cascaded down her shoulders and I saw her heavily made-up face contort into a scowl before whipping her hair across her back, turning to me once more.
"What was that?" She snapped, slamming her elbows on the table in an overly eccentric manner, grasping the attention of others throughout the room including Evie.
"Just imagining you in teal, it does nothing for you, love, stick with sickly pink. It brings out the knots in your fake-ass hair" I stated simply, glancing over at her and sending a small smile before facing the board once more.
"I never asked for your opinion, tramp" She scowled, huffing and pushing her hair back off her shoulders. That little- I could feel heat beginning to rise throughout my body as a red tint coated my cheeks in anger, Mal would flip if she knew I beat up a princess on my first day but if she carries on the way she is...

I glanced over at Evie who sent me a look as if to say 'don't' and began to shake her head at me, what? She's the one who started it, well... Maybe she wasn't but it is my first day still and I'm still learning.
Looking down at my book once more, I began to copy the letters from the board in the same way that the teacher had done in a hope that they were correct. I know I can recite an entire book of spells but I haven't done any literacy since... Well, forever really. I only pieced together that book from different phonics my sister had taught me.

As I continued to timidly copy the words from the board, sounding them in my head and trying to think if I have heard of them before but some of it was extremely tricky. P-H-O-T-O-S-Y-N-T-H-E-S-I-S? Photo- like a picture, I know that but what the hell is synthesis let alone all of it together. I let out a light sigh as I laid my pen down on the table and rubbed my head slightly, I am never going to get this. There is no hope.

Just as I went to pick up my pen once more, I heard a snigger from either side of me. Snapping my head around to see was happening but I was met with a murmur from Rachel to Annabelle, who glanced towards me; looking me up and down before bursting into another fit of giggles.

I silently clenched my fist around the pen I was holding, watching as my knuckles flashed a bright white and the back of my hand began to shake from the the pressure, with much more force, it would surely snap.
"Say it to my face." I stated, simply, but in a deep voice as if I raised it a single decibel then I would explode.

"What are you gonna do? Hit me? You're not on the isle anymore! Your too soft!" Rachel cackled and that was the last straw. Just as the final syllable escaped her coated lips, I felt the lace covered back of my knees smack against the metal of my stool as I stood up.

"Melanie! Sit back down!" The professor bellowed, placing his chalk on the desk so his full attention was now at me.
"Bite me" I snapped before extending my left arm so it collided with the girl to my left, twisting to the side and smacking the girl to my right.

I'm done. I have to find a way home.
Omg guys you are freaking amazing! Tysm for 1k votes! Not long yet, I can sense Harry's presence in a coming chapter! Y'all have any suggestions on what you want to see? Angst or fluff?? I have a few ideas for Melanie's return.  >.<
-Anon xxx

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