Day Off ~ Adam x Reader

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"You know what? I'm now demanding an off day!" you declare as you pull yourself out of the Impala.

You had just come back from a vampire hunt with Sam, Dean, and your boyfriend, Adam. Said vampier hunt had left you drenched in blood and sore to the bone.

"I agree," Adam stated.

"Fine," Dean said, "Tomorrow shall be a do-nothing day!"

You all filed into the bunker and you headed strait to the bathroom to clean yourself up. The warm water of the shower was super refreshing and you managed to get all of the blood off.

You got dressed and headed to your bedroom that you shared with Adam. Unsurprisingly, Adam was already there.

He pulled you in for a quick kiss before you both nodded off.


When you woke up, Adam was kissing your neck lightly.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said.

"Morning," you groaned. You turned to face him and brushed your lips on his.

"What do you wanna do today?" he asked.

"Well, you pick," you answered.

"We could watch a movie if you want," he suggested.

"That sounds excellent," you said, "But first, food."

"Agreed," Adam laughed. You both got up and headed to the kitchen.

"Let's see," you muttered to yourself as you looked through the fridge, "Jackpot!"

You pulled out two pieces of pie and handed on to Adam.

"Are we even allowed to look at the pie? Much less eat it." he laughed

"Dean, do you mind if we eat your pie?" you whisper-yelled. You waited a few seconds to get a reply that you knew wasn't coming, "I didn't hear him say we couldn't eat it."

"Well then," he said getting two forks out and handing one to you, "Shall we?"

"We shall," you answered before taking a bite of pie.

"Morning gu- is that my pie?" Dean asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"No?" Adam awkwardly said. Dean glared at you and Adam.

"That's my pie," Dean muttered.

"Adam! Run!" you laughed. You and Adam both darted out of the kitchen with Dean hot on your trail. You ran into the library where you almost ran into Sam, but you luckily didn't, Dean did though.

Sam went down with a thud. He and Dean started wrestling on the floor. You and Adam took this opportunity to go to the living room and finish your pie.

"What movie we gunna watch?" you asked Adam.

"I was thinking we could watch a Marvel movie, sound okay?" he said while going through all of the movies.

"Sounds good."

"Iron Man okay?" he asked.

"I haven't seen that one in a while," you comment.

Adam sits on one end of the couch and you sit in his lap, stretching your legs to the other end.

Half-way through the movie you and Adam just start to cuddle and kiss. Considering you had seen the movie multiple times before, you didn't really need to watch.

"Get a room you two!" Dean exclaimed as he walked in holding a beer, "First you eat my pie, then you basically have sex on the couch! Can't I get a brake!"

"First, we weren't even close to having sex, and that pie was free game!" you counter.

"The only thing that was different from your make-out session and sex was the clothes!" Dean shouted. Sam then entered and immediately left.

"Come on Adam, we're going out," you state. You pull him along with you and you head to your room.

"I thought you said we were going out," Adam observed.

"Well, I want to look presentable for the public," you told him.

"You look perfect," Adam said, kissing you.

"I love you," you kissed him again, "We're staying here."

"Why?" Adam asked.

"Because I want to spend the rest of my off day in the arms of the man I love most," you said.

"Your wish is my command," Adam laughed.

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