Back to London ~ Sam x Sherlock Sister!Blind!Reader

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This is a special present to all of you!!!! I know that most of you really like this series of Sherlock/Supernatural crossover stuff, so I made an extra long (hopefully) fic for you guys!

Also, my New Years resolution this year is for me to become more in touch with all of my readers! *whispers* and to actually have constant updates...


It had been six months. Six months since your fight with Sherlock. Six months since you left London with Sam Winchester.

To say you had been hunting with the Winchester's would be a lie. You had done research, but that was about it. You weren't quick enough to be able to actually hunt, and you were to (unknowingly) judging of all the suspects and victims to be good at playing FBI. So you did research, and you weren't great at that. You would have to get information from other hunters or Bobby because you couldn't exactly read.

You were sitting in the Bunker watching (listening) to a movie with Sam.

"You know we could do something more enjoyable for you," Sam said.

"I know, but I used to love this movie," you laughed, "I can basically picture the whole thing anyways."

Sam made an approving noise before kissing you and hugging you close to him. He had pulled a blanket around the two of you since it was so cold outside.

You were enjoying the movie when that one line came up. The line that Sherlock had loved to make fun of. You never knew why he had done it, but it always made you laugh.

A blanket of sadness draped itself on top of you and you were suddenly on the verge of tears. Sam noticed and paused the movie.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked, the concern dripping in his voice.

"I miss him," you choked out. "I hate how I left him."

"Who?" Sam asked. "Sherlock?"

You nodded. Sam hugged you closely and you slowly stopped being sad. It had already been late, so you weren't surprised when you fell asleep.

When you woke, you were in your and Sam's bed, but Sam wasn't there. You made your way down to the kitchen, thinking that was where Sam was. He wasn't there, but Dean was, and he was rummaging through the fridge.

"You know how to make food, right?" You asked.

"You know, for a blind chick, you are damn sneaky," Dean sounded startled, you had obviously scarred him.

"For a hunter you aren't very observant," you shot back at him.

"Sam's in the library, don't walk into a wall on your way there," Dean laughed as he left the kitchen.

You clicked your tongue before going to the library.

"Hey Sam," you hugged him from behind.

"I still find it odd that my blind girlfriend can find her way around a place that even I get lost in," Sam said as he flipped a page in a book.

"Why'd you get up so early?" You asked.

"Because," Sam turned around as best he could in the chair, "we are going to London."

You gasped as tears of happiness came to your eyes, "Sam! You really mean that we are going back to London to see Sherlock!?"

"Yep," Sam kissed you on the forehead when he stood up, "Pack your bags, we are going on a trip."

You basically ran to your room, shoving random clothing items into a bag. You grabbed your needed items and shoved those into your bag too. You were going back to London!

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