The Party

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Mrs Lovett's meat  pie emporium was buzzing with people. The mixed sound of the piano being played by one of the guests and the noise of never ending chatter filled the small parlour with life. Mrs Lovett swished about happily in her new black dress she had brought earlier that day, greeting each and every guest as she went by. Toby was busy dishing out his cakes he had made that morning especially as his sandwiches had been going down a treat.

Shooting him a small smile as she walked past Mrs Lovett gave him a wink as soon as he met her gaze which made him chuckle at her. He turned his attention back to the guests and began explaining what flavours he had mixed into the cupcakes along with the different icing.

"Thank you" Edward's grateful voice sounded from behind her making her almost jump in surprise. She smiled at him as he wrapped one arm around her waist and leaned in to kiss her cheek. "You've done a great job organising all this" he whispered to her looking past her shoulder at his friends and family enjoying a drink or two and a dance.

Smiling as she gazed across the busy shop she turned to look at him her smile never fading before she kissed his lips "I wanted to make it special for you" Looking at him she kept her smile seeing the gratefulness in his gorgeous eyes "Now go on, ya better start minglin' with the crowd, there are more people here then I expected....some of which I'm not even sure know you" she giggled knowing full well that some guests had just been customers of hers wanting to get in on the free food and drink, she wasn't an idiot not to notice.

Edward pressed a sweet kiss to her cheek and left.  She smiled after him before turning round to the back door of her shop, a bit of fresh air was need for sure. As soon as she opened it she spotted a familiar face staring back at her. "Why Mrs Lovett" the fat ugly man greeted her with his also ugly crooked smile. It took her everything in her power not to turn her nose up at the very sight of him. "Mr Evans" she faked a smile however not managing to hide the bitterness as she practically spat his name in disgust. Stepping into her courtyard of tables the chilly wind hit her exposed shoulders and chest as soon as she stepped outside in the open.

Mr Evans was normally very drunk when he was in her shop. The man would always give her a wink or a pat on the behind whenever she walked past. He liked to come visit her just to stare and get an eyeful whenever she would bend over the table to re-fill his tumbler of gin. She was a pretty face and he was an old perve in her eye's, a customer she dread serving because of his disgusting advances.

The man pouted his wet lips with an excited spark playing about his eyes as he looked over the baker so freely and not so subtly either. "New dress?" he asked licking his greasy lips as he met her eye's again. Eye's that screamed to him how much he was making her feel uncomfortable.

"Can I elp 'ya Mr Evans?" she snapped loosing her patients now with this annoying specimen of a human being. Just then she heard Sweeney's door above creak open and suddenly felt relieved knowing there was a chance he was there. Perhaps watching over her. It was strange how that man could make her feel so safe and yet so fearful all at once. Even now she could feel the adrenaline rush in her system knowing his dark eyes may be watching her.

"Maybe you can my see you're a very attractive woman Mrs Lovett..." he began pouting again at her as if he had caught his prey "and women like you..." he continued dryly this time lifting his hand so his finger tip grazed across her breasts much to her surprise and anger. "Should get down on their knees...." Batting his hand away in fury she heard the door behind her open up suddenly before she got a word in.

"What the hell is going on!" Edward yelled from behind her just as she noticed Sweeney Todd also standing dauntingly at the top of his staircase very much ready to pounce. So he had been watching

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