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"They ave' em locked up down ere" Toby told her as he helped his mum down the dirty hard stoned steps to the basement. A basement that was more like a prison cell instead of storing wine or beer crates.

Mrs Lovett took each step carefully holding tightly onto her sons hand as he helped her down the steps. It was cold, so cold that she couldn't help but shiver and cross her arms once she reached the bottom. "Could catch ya death down ere" she muttered, worried that Sweeney might already have.

Toby stopped walking and handed her the candle he was holding. "Ya best go see e'm without me, not sure he would be too pleased if I was to join ya" he whispered pointing to the cell that she assumed Sweeney must be in. Looking at Toby she gave him a small nod. She agreed that it was probably best he stay in the shadows. Just for now anyway....

"Thanks love" with that Nellie made her way slowly over to the cell. All the other seemed empty until she came across one...

She felt her heartbreak in two at the image she saw. Sweeney was slumped up asleep against the wall just inches from the metal bars trapping him inside. He was bruised around his face and his lip had a deep cut. She couldn't help but blame herself for this happening to him. She had been treated like a princess up stairs while he had been beaten and bruised.

Kneeling down Nellie called for him gently and placed the candle on the ground beside her. "Mista T" she couldn't help but cry softly seeing him so helpless.

His eyes opened slowly and as soon as he realised who it was he gave a faint and drained smile. He had hoped she would turn up, hoped she wasn't taken from him completely.

"Eleanore" he croaked before coughing dryly as he pushed himself nearer to the metal bars. "Are you alright pet" he asked after clearing his throat and placing his hand through the bars to hold hers which she accepted quickly. Squeezing his very cold hand she rubbed some warmth into it with her other nodding sadly trying to control her tears. "Oh Sweeney what ave they done to ya" she whispered muffled by the tears that couldn't help but fall. "I hate this" she cried softly moving closer to the cell just so she could be nearer to him.

Looking at her properly now he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. They had cared for her well, looked after her and for that he was glad at least. Her hair was clean and brushed and her face glowing despite the tears.

"You look lovely" he whispered finally seeing her eyes land back on his face. She hadn't expected to hear that from him. Of all things she was expecting him to say she didn't expect a compliment at this moment in time.

He looked at her face and how the makeup she wore made her look so attractive. Mrs Lovett was always beautiful with out makeup but he had never seen her made up like this and she really was stunning. Her dress was tight around her small waist and complimented her figure gorgeously. He really just couldn't help but look at her and take in what he had not noticed for so long.

"Sweeney" she said softly still holding tightly to his hand. "This ain't no time too make me blush" even in this awful situation she was able to smile a little at make him crack a small one himself.

"I brought ya some food" she began again reaching into her pocket and retrieving out some wrapped chicken and bread. Handing it to him she pulled out a small bottle of gin and passed it to him also.

Tucking into the food Sweeney thanked her. She smiled seeing him eating she was worried he might refuse, but it was clear they had been starving him. "I'm gonna get ya out of ere"

"I've tried, there isn't a way, unless you can get hold of the keys somehow but even then there are to many guards around" he explained knowing too well Edward wasn't going to let him find an easy escape.

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