What to do

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It was about 3 0'clock into the morning now. Both Sweeney and Nellie had been walking for hours even with her blistered feet and sore heel. As of now she was holding tightly onto Sweeney's hand as he lead her into a small alleyway that seemed quiet and safe place to stop.

He turned to look at Mrs Lovett. Her eyes were half open, only sadness was radiating off her a look that he hated to see. He knew she was devastated about Toby, knew that the boys running off had hurt her terribly. Never had he know her to be so quiet, it actually worried him how low she was at this very moment in time.

Stopping finally he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close so he could press a kiss to her temple. Not the sweet gestures he was used too but seeing her like this really did upset him too. "We will rest here tonight pet" he told her seeing her finally look at him so drained and tired, he felt the need to just wrap her tight in his arms. Instead he placed their bags of what little belongings they had on the floor and pulled her down with him onto the ground.

She sat beside him, rubbing her tired eyes with her hands before noticing him place his bag on his legs. "Lay down, I'll keep watch" he said making her frown.

"But you need to rest too Sweeney" she said clearing her dry throat. It was sore and her lips were getting chapped due to the cold. Looking at him she smiled when he took off his jacket and tugged it round her shoulders. The instant heat that it gave her was so much more cosy and smelt of him too.

"I'm fine, you need to rest" Sweeney whispered to her gently encouraging her to lay down which she did finally drawing in her knees up to her stomach to keep warm. Resting her head against the bag he had placed on his lap Mrs Lovett soon felt her heavy eyelids give in to her tiredness and soon began to fall asleep....

He looked down at her and gently placed his arm around her waist which she used like a blanket. He smiled as she ran her arms over his arm like it was the top of a duvet.

His small smile soon disappears however when he looked around at their surroundings. They were sleeping on the cold and dirty streets of London. This was no life for Mrs Lovett and he hated that this was all he had to offer her right now. He didn't want to stop, yet he knew she was exhausted and a few hours sleep was what she needed to regain back some strength.

Now that they had stopped he too was feeling a little sleepy. His eye lids were beginning to feel heavy and his feet aches from the long walk they had from the brothel. However he refused to allow himself to rest. This area they had come to halt at was not safe and Sweeney wanted to make sure he was able to keep alert, more for Mrs Lovett's sake then himself.


"Get him"

Sweeney's eyes shot open the moment he felt Nellie being yanked from him suddenly. She let out a nerve wrenching screech and cried out as two men dragged her away.


Sweeney yelled loudly in panic realising what was happening only to be hit over the head with a batten. The last things he remembered seeing was Edwards face smirking down at him before everything went black....


Wiping her tears that continued to fall Nellie closed her eyes completely defeated. She had been fighting these police men for ages now in the carriage. Had scratched and clawed her way out of their harsh grips and had yelled and cried as they dragged her away from Sweeney.

As of now she could see the familiar streets of Fleet Street and the large grey court house building that was once owned by Turpin...

She had no idea how they had been found so quickly but then she remember that Toby had ran off. She hated the fact that he may be the one to blame for all this, she couldn't believe he would want to put them at danger like this. They might both die because of his stupid actions. She felt hurt and betrayed and that killed her inside knowing that her once sweet little boy had caused all this pain and worry in her heart.

Being pulled into the court house Nellie heard another carriage pull up behind them. Looking over her shoulder she watched in horror as Sweeney was pulled out unconscious and looking so worse for wears. She then spotted Edward leaving the same carriage and gasped as he hit Sweeney again over the head with a baton just when he looked to be waking up.

Her eyes filled with tears and she screamed his name once more before the large wooden door to the court house slammed behind her, shutting out the image she had witnessed of her love one outside....


Being escorted toward a large library room Mrs Lovett was pushed inside only to have the doors slam shut behind her.

"Mum!" Toby cheered happily standing beside Edward who had his hand on his shoulder.

Mrs Lovett glared at Toby before he could rush over to her and then glared back up at Edward. "You take me to Sweeney now!" She snapped not bothering to look at Toby and instead into the eyes of the man she once thought to be so different.

Edward smirked at her and moved away from Toby just so he could draw himself closer to the baker. She looked so tired and defeated yet that spark of determination to get her way was shinning through her brown eyes. He looked her up and down seeing her dress was muddy and ripped. Her hair was messier then normal and her skin had speckles of dirt over it.

Despite all that he still cared for her deeply. Still loved her even though she had broken his heart....

"Just why ave' ya taken us ere? Why Edward?" She sounded as if she was pleading, hurting inside that he was wanting to torture her like this. She thought he would let go, thought he wanted her to be happy....

"It's Judge Clark now" he said softly yet with a hint of smugness playing about his features.

"Judge?" She whispered in surprise her pupils widening at this news.

"Turpin is gone, I'm taking over now. A court case will be held tomorrow morning with you and your precious barber" he began to explain his plan falling into place now he had them both under HIS roof.

Toby frowned as he listened. He thought that Edward was going to help him? Take down Sweeney...right?

"Sweeney Todd is a murderer, tonight he will stay down in the cellars while you will accompany me for dinner, tomorrow I will present to him his fate"

"NO!" Mrs Lovett gasped covering her hand over her mouth. "Please Edward, don't hurt him I'm begging you" she pleaded placing her hands on his chest and clinging to his coat lapels.

"I love you Eleanore, the sooner we get rid of him the sooner we can move on and be happy" he said to her shock.


"I want to marry you" he added placing his hands on her shoulders as her eyes widened. "Edward" she breathed in shock.

"I don't love you, you know that!" She snapped moving from him.

"You will, because if you don't I will see to it that he hangs!" She had never seen such evil in his eyes shut hate for the barber. Mrs Lovett didn't know what to say, where to look or how to act. She just knew that he had officially gone mad!

She didn't know what to do. 

"You wouldn't!" She began to tear up looking into his angry and determined eyes.

"I have that power..."

A/N: Hey! I'm so sorry for the wait! A lot has been going on these last few weeks and I apologise I left this so long! There will only be a few chapters left of this story so I am gradually bringing to an end. Hope you liked the chapter! Please let me know your thoughts guys ❤️

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