The Dinner

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Two days had been and gone under Mrs Lovett's roof. Two full days of awkward silences, death glares and painful glances from the one person she cared most about. Thankfully the death glares weren't ever aimed in her direction, but Nellie did noticed Sweeney burning a whole straight through Edwards face as he quietly tucked into his meal this very moment.

In fact the silence that filled the dinner table now was becoming unbearable. Mrs Lovett had spent the whole afternoon preparing a decent meal for all that were living under her roof, that being Toby, Sweeney, Edward and Margo who were all very quite. The only sound that was to be heard was the knife and forks scratching every so often against her china plates. A noise that clearly was setting Sweeney's teeth on edge.

However, Nellie also knew that he had been angry even before Toby began screeching his fork against his plate. She had spoken to him privately a few days ago and had told him clearly that they needed to hold off a while. She had explained how much guilt she was feeling towards Edward and how her heart ripped whenever he would try hold her or kiss her. Edward didn't deserve any of this, and she was beginning to realise how unfair she had been sleeping with Sweeney behind his back.

He was so broken considering his fathers death and she was determined to be there for him, by his side no matter what. Even if that meant pushing the one she loved aside just for a while...

The news had clearly grated on him. All she ever seemed to receive from Sweeney was a quick glance, not even a smile. Her situation would never be easy but she just couldn't break up with Edward now, not when he depended on her so much at this moment in time. Mrs Lovett had done what was right, had moved back into her bedroom with him and had set Margo up on the sofa downstairs. Sure, the original plan of having Margo upstairs with Sweeney seemed alright at the time. But considering the fact she seemed to never leave the barber alone had annoyed Nellie to her core.

Everyone seemed happy now with the sleeping arrangements. Well, apart from the barber...

Looking around the round table that was sat in the middle of her pie shop, Nellie could see just who seemed to be enjoying her meal. Everyone again apart from Sweeney who simply pushed his food around his plate with a fork, wearing such a glum look on his face. She inwardly wanted to moan at him for not even trying to eat one bite of the stew she had slaved over all day. But she's didn't bother, it would only embarrass him in front of everyone and make his temper all that worse.

Glancing at him from across the table Mrs Lovett caught his dark eyes for a moment. She couldn't quite read them but noticed that they lingered on her for a moment before he glanced back down at his untouched meal. Her eyes saddened on him, she didn't mean to push him away but she had to. She loved him and he would have her eventually, but now she was Edwards and he needed her most. She had to do what was right. Why couldn't he see that...

"Gosh that was good Mum" Toby broke the silence clattering his knife and fork down on the plate and wiping his mouth. The loud noise had Sweeney scowling at him, not that Toby noticed.

Nellie smiled kindly towards him "thank you dear" after there drama a few nights ago they were able to sit down and chat. Toby had listened and taken on board her feelings, even though he still disapproved of Mr Todd. Mrs Lovett's happiness was all he cared about so as long as she was happy he promised her he would not interfere anymore. A promise that had warmed Nellie's heart so much. Both her and Toby were getting on so much better now, she wanted to prove to him that she was always going to be there for him no matter what.

"Yes, this really is lovely Nell" Edward added whilst wrapping his hand around hers that she had resting on the table. An action that had her smiling awkwardly again knowing to well that Sweeney was watching them closely.

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