Perfect Pair (p a r t 2)

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Seokjin grumbled as he gets another text, informing of another blind date to be set.

"Your mom never gets tired?"

Ken, his colleague as they major together in engineering ask. The whole campus knows that Seokjin's future wife isn't going to be just any girl.

"I hope that one day she does. I'm getting tired of all these dates."

"Why don't you just find some girl to brag to your mom about? I know its kind of stupid but it does works."

"I don't know any other girls except my friends' girlfriends. Example, Hani, Soojung.."

"Think hard, at least there's a single one out there that you're comfortable with. It's impossible if you don't even have one friend who's a girl."

Seokjin thinks harder but his mind is stubborn enough to keep going to the same girl all over again.

"There is... but..."


"I think of her as a friend, I don't want to jeopardize our relationship just because I don't want to go on blind dates."

"Well... you choose going to weekly blind dates or hang out with one girl monthly."

"Your point is right... but... well she do it?"


Later that evening, Seokjin found Myungeun eating donuts as she reads a book at the cafe.

"Wow, I keep bumping into you everywhere."

"Hmm... yes, that is a weird coincidence. Donut?"

"Yes, please."

Seokjin took one big one and put it inside her mouth making her gasps.

"Woah, the whole thing?!"

Seokjin nods his head as his mouth tries to chew it in.

"You should try eating it slowly or else, you'll choke."

Right on cue, Seokjin starts coughing making Myungeun shook her head as she hands him her mineral bottle.

"T-thanks. Gosh, that was careless of me."

"Now you know."

Myungeun continue on reading. Leaving Seokjin to calm down his throat.

"What are you reading?"

"Some things my professor asks me to read."

"Oo... Myungeun-a, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Excuse me?"

"I mean just for one night."

"What are you proposing?"

"Well... you know... my mom has the habit of getting me blind dates. I am really sick of those. For just one night, can you be my girlfriend? I swear I won't ask you more."

"Phew... you're already sick of blind dates?"

"She does it weekly."

"Damn... well then I'm in."

"Great, meet you on Saturday. I'll pock you up around 4? We need to go to my house."

"W-wait, that fast?"

"Yea. I mean if you're okay with it."

"S-sure I guess."

"Great thanks, Myungeun."

"And you accepted his request, why?"

"You heard me! He was getting it weekly. I feel bad for him."

"Myungeun-a, there are times when you are available to say no."

"I know, Mijoo... but it just pains me."

""Myungeun, get this into your head! You're going to date one of the most hottest guys on campus for just one night. If you're not falling for him after that, you're not a human."

"Mijoo, stop exaggerating things. He's a nice guy. I've went on dinner with him. We even share a brunch, he's a nice guy."

"Its not about nice or not. Its about whether you realize that you are about to get yourself a new man."

"Just stick your nose to your business. Its really unpleasant to keep talking about it."

"Just because you don't like my theories, doesn't mean you gave to hate them."

"Mijoo.... didn't Hoseok said he's coming over?"

Mijoo glance at her wristwatch.

"Probably later tho."

Myungeun gives her a judging look and made her grunts.

"Okay, okay, fine I got the signal. Sheesh!"

Myungeun let out a heavenly sigh as she finally get space by herself.

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