A Diary to be Kept ('Cause ye)

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"It's been a couple days since day eighteen, reason why I've been keeping track I don't know. Now is Day Twenty. Me and Mark have decided that we aren't fully a couple yet, even though we say we love each other and such, it was my idea. I wanted him to think it over, I mean, who would want to be with me? He deserves someone better. He was very upset when I first rejected his first attempt to kiss me, Y'know it was very cringy for him and he felt like an idiot, but I only rejected it cause I bite my lips a lot, you know, stress relief."

"He got me my own channel, Yay. I've only posted random things on there, goofy things. Of course to Mark this was disturbing, seeing how happy and joyful I can be on camera. I've done a few game things to, and he's been promoting my channel a lot. Now I'm kinda stuck here, making people smile. I've talked to Ethan about the incident and I kicked his ass with words, but it was a lot more like a joke then I expected, I in all honesty couldn't be mad at him, he kinda made it better?"

"So far in day Twenty I've discovered a few things, those blue and red rays of flashing lights, whispering, and the ringing in my ears? That's-" The rest of this is scribbled out, 'Cause I scribbled it out. It was stupid to even come up with the theory that he'd even be real.

"Therefore that's all I have for today."

Please Don't Leave (Markiplier x Suicidal/Depressed Female Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant