My Desire For Skin Is Unnerving

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Eri held up a bag that consisted of movies, food and drinks.

"So I planned this last night and we...are...having a movie night tonight!" I rose an eyebrow.

"Its...2:45pm." I checked my phone. She giggled.

"I know that, stupid. I meant we're going out with a few friends today then we all come over here tonight to watch movies later." I shrugged and gave an okay nod.

"Who are we hanging with tonight?" I ask, sitting on the couch.

She followed me and plopped down.

"Um, it's gonna be you, me, Kylie and Svetlana." I rose my eyebrows.

"That's it?" She nods. "Cool." I sighed.

Eri gives me a weird look then asks, "Wanna invite Cerulli and Ricky over as well? Kylie would love to bring Devin. I mean, we should hang with them both seeing as they go back to California in two days." My eyes widened at the mention of Chris.

"S-Sure do it." I mumbled, nervously.

She sighs but nods. "Give me their numbers." I gave her Chris's and Ricky's before she called them up.

They agreed to meet us at dinner before we all head over here. This will be awkward for both Chris and I.

We leave my house, pick Kylie and Svetlana up, drive to the mall and shop for hours.

After hours and hours of being at the mall, we drive to the Starbucks around the corner. Then, we go chill at the park for about an hour.

While Eri and Kylie go to the pond and throw pebbles across it, Svetlana and I talk about random things.

"David needs a break from touring. I miss him so much least he's doing what he loves." She sighed, exasperated.

I put a comforting hand on her back.

"I miss my Michael too. But they have fans out there who want to meet them." She nods and gets distracted by my phone vibrating.

Chris: So we're hanging out tonight?

Me: I guess so.

Chris: You know how hard it's gonna be to keep my hands off you with everyone there?

Me: Don't make me blush;) I love it when you talk to me that way.

Chris: Well, baby, if Rick wasn't around I'd be telling you a lot more. I feel him trying to look over my shoulder to see who I'm texting.

Me: Don't let him see.

Chris: No worries. He gave up.

Me: Good.

Chris: I wanna fuck tonight. Think it's possible?

Me: Once everyone leaves, come back and we'll see where it goes. ;)

Chris: I wish I wasn't so busy with this new album. I guarantee you we'd be fucking in your house right now.

Me: Probably so. Just be patient. I promise you tonight we'll be together.

Chris: Can't wait.

I put my phone away and sighed, watching Svetlana stare up into the sky.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried for my friend.

She sighs and let's her long snow white hair fall over her face.

"A few weeks ago, Davey told me David had cheated on me once when they were touring with Asking. Danny took the boys out drinking and David got carried away." She teared up. "I'm scared he might do it again!" Her voice cracked and she broke into tears.

Hate Filled Heart | Michael Kuza/ Chris Motionless-Chris CerulliDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora