Now Swallow Your Bullshit, You Make Me Fucking Sick

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Thank you to all my darlings who have helped me with ideas! I love you! You know who you are :) Here's what I came up with...hope it's good enough.

"But he really wants to see you, I don't know exactly why..." Matt said, sipping his coffee after.

Eri and Kyle looked at me. "He wants to be able to talk things out. He still cares about you, you know." Kyle says, rather sincere.

"Bullshit! All that guy fucking cares about is breaking me and Chris up. Do you guys know what that asshole told me on the phone a while back? He said that when I'm back, he'll make sure I hurt and break Chris's heart. Why the fuck would I talk to him after that shit?!" I growl in a low voice.

Eri grabbed my hand, "Dee, kuza sounded really sincere when he said he needed to talk to you. Believe me, I've never seen him this down. None of us have. He was crying and completely broke down. We're all best friends...Just give it a try..." She moves her purple and black colored hair out of her face.

I sigh and give it a thought. I do care about him even if he said what he did but maybe he was drunk. Maybe it was alcohol speaking...Mike never was a bad guy, which is why I don't understand why I did what I did to him. I feel bad about it and regret it but...shit happens then you get caught.

"Maybe I'll go check on him. I mean, I do worry about him..." I muttered.

Matt smiled and nodded. "Thanks. Maybe now, he'll be better." After finishing our drinks, Matt, Eri and Kyle drive off. I make my way to Mike's house.

As I pull up to the very familiar driveway, I get that sick feeling in my stomach.

"Here goes nothing..." I tell myself before walking up to his door and knocking.

I wait then a few seconds later, it opens, revealing a shirtless Mike, he only has on basketball shorts and his hair is messy.

He looks pretty shocked I'm actually here. His pierced mouth is hung open, slightly, His eyes are wide and staring right at mine, he holds a bottle of Jack Daniel's in his tattooed hand. I just remembered how beautiful he was...ugh, stop it Dahlia!

"Hello, Michael." I clear my throat, eyeing him.

He blinks rapidly and speaks, "D-Dahlia, please, come in." he steps back and I walk in. He closes the door then steps closer to me. "I wasn't expecting you at all."

I step back. "Geez, you reek of alcohol." I mutter, disgusted.

"I'm not drunk, though. I function pretty norma-"

"Hey, babe, where's-" Franccesca began, coming from the hallway.

She stares at me in shock as well. Her stare suddenly turns into a glare.

Franccesca walks up to Michael and kisses him, deeply. That hurt...

"I didn't know I was interrupting something. I'll go." I said, starting to walk out but he stops me.

He pushes her back and says, "Go away, me and Dahlia need to talk. Go!" He pushed her out of the door and slammed it in her face. Now, she's in the chilli weather.

"She could get sick, Mike. Go get her." I said, bluntly. Weird how I still care about the health of an ex friend.

"Forget her, she has a car out by the curb. She'll be fine but right now, it's about you and me." He smiles, sweetly. He motions me to sit on the couch and I do.

He cleans up a bit then sits besides me. There's an awkward silence. Memories flow through my mind and I start myself feeling upset.

"Why would you want to make me hurt Chris?" He looked taken back a bit. "Remember when you said-"

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