You're Invited To A Graveyard Party Tonight

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{Eh, why not a third update. Here you go. }

October 17, 2014


Ricky has been staying over since today is Chris's birthday and we were going together. Not like that but as friends.

Christopher has no idea of my going and I tend to keep it that way until I'm there. I'll be in disguise the whole time. I have a plan I hope turns out well.

As we speak, Ricky is in my bathroom putting on his costume while I'm out in my bedroom putting on my own.

If you want to know what I'm wearing tonight, here's a brief description: A long, black and red dress with lace around the leg and chest area. Its a low cut too. My black hair will be adorned with a crown of black roses with tiny little crystals inside each. My neck will have a choker with a heartagram on it. Reason for my choker is to hide the large scar my attempt left on my neck. The shoes I chose were some black four inch heels, easy to walk on. A pair of black leather gloves will cover my hands to hide my recognizable tattoos. And to finish up my outfit, my eyes will have on a type of masquerade mask to hide my eyes. It covers my beautiful makeup but I don't care.

"Are you done in there?" I ask Ricky as I finish putting on my costume.

"Yeah, just a sec. I'll be right out." He says from the opposite side of the bathroom door.

I wait a few seconds then Ricky walks out in a black blazer, a blackcraft tee underneath, a pair of black skinny jeans and black shoes. That's not all. His hair is messy, his face is painted like a skeleton cat with black body paint all over his neck. His eyes hold in white colored contacts and his lips are black. I'm left quite impressed.

With one hand on my mouth, I say, "You look ravishing, Mr Olson. You're quite the Horror tonight." I smiled but noticed his eyes never leaving my body.

"W-wow. Dahlia, You look like a princess." he breathed, sounding impressed as well.

I smiled and hugged him. "Aw, thanks, Rick. You're sweet." I said, pulling away.

"Man, look at you! You're a damn goddess! Chris has to fall back in love with you." Rick's words gave me hope.

I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Lets go get em, Mr. Horror." I winked.

"Lets, my beautiful date." He blushes and we walk down and out of my house.

Arriving at Bats, we see its packed. Ricky finds us a parking spot then we head towards the doors.

A man in all black is there, telling those who aren't listed on Chris's guest list to scram.

Rick steps up with me on his arm. "Name?" the man asked in a deep husky voice.

"Ricky Olson +1." It took the man a moment to search before he nodded.

"Right this way." he removed a black rope and let us through the coffin shaped doors.

We walk into the club, mesmerized by the costumes most people are wearing.

"I'll go find Chris, stay near." I nod and Ricky heads another direction.

I walk to the bar and sit on a tombstone. Yes, instead of bar stools, they have bar tombstones, haha. Its rather cute.

I stare out onto the floor and see people dancing, mingling, joking around, all in all just having a damn good time.

"Hello, why so lonely?" a soft voice asks from besides me. Luckily I have my mask on so they don't recognize me.

This man has skeleton makeup on, and is dressed in a black full body suit.

Hate Filled Heart | Michael Kuza/ Chris Motionless-Chris CerulliDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora