Its Alright Cause You're Sitting Next To Me

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Not many are commenting ideas...If I don't get help, this story might end up getting discontinued. I really like writing this one and I don't wanna put it on hold or discontinue it. To those who want to keep reading, please help a stuck lady continue one of her favorite stories. Much love ~DS

It's been about a month or so and September 16 is just around the corner. The guys and Fearless are getting ready to release their new album, Reincarnate. They did photo shoots last week with Jeremy Saffer. I still work for him but only when I'm in California. The other guys went home three days after, so they left before us, of course.

Chris and I are packing our bags to return back to Pennsylvania. Yeah, I'm going back but plan on officially moving here soon. I know I said it would be a while for me to return to Pittsburgh but all my friends are begging me to come back. Plus, my brother has a birthday in about a week and I'm going to visit him.

Chris and I say our goodbyes to everyone we're close with then head on to the airport.

Hand in hand, Chris and I walk to the line, rolling our luggage to the security part. After that, we go in the line for the plane. We wait thirty minutes before the line begins to move. When it's our turn, I hand the lady my ticket, she scans it then let's me through. Same with Chris. We walk outside and towards the plane and Chris tightens his grip on my hand.

"Babe, it's okay. I'm here to distract you from your fear." I cooed, kissing his cheek.

He took a deep breath but nodded. "Fucking hate flying. I only did it for you when I came here." He groaned.

"I know, and I love you for it." I kiss him again. We part and step inside the plane.

I wait behind a man who is putting his luggage in the compartment above. He sits and Chris takes care of our things while I find our seats. We're at the front. He's by the window and I'm next to him.

I take my seat and wait for the guys to come sit as well. I look back and see Chris still waiting to put our shit up.

He looks frustrated behind the man taking his precious time. I see Chris huff and roll his eyes.

"Dude, can you, like, hurry?" He asked, irritated. The man turned around, sizing Chris up. He was tall, buff even, but I know Chris could take him.

"What was that, little bitch?!" He growled, bumping his chest with Chris.

Chris balled up his fists and almost reacted until a flight attendant spoke to them. The man sat down, Chris put our things up then came to me.

I grabbed his hand and smiled. "You could've beaten his ass, baby." He chuckled and shrugged.

"Whatever, I was tired of fucking standing and his bitch ass-" I kissed him just to shut him up.

I pulled away and he sighed, smiling. "I love you."

"I love you too." After a while of sitting, talking and waiting, the plane begins to take off.

"Fuck, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck!" Chris muttered, quietly but fast.

I giggled and held his hand tighter. "Just look at me, babe. Talk to me, don't think about the plane. Its all about me." I made him look at my eyes and he did.

We talked and he had forgotten all about his fear. A few hours later, we arrive to Pittsburgh and from there we go to my place.

Its dark outside and late.

We bring our bags in, setting them down. I look around... Someone's been in here.

"Babe, I think someone broke into my house." I panicked a bit.

Chris closed and locked the front door and came to me. "Why do you say? Is something different?" I bit my lip, looking around. "Its late, forget about whatever it is and let's go to sleep." He leads us upstairs and into my room.

I didn't feel comfortable because I sensed that someone was in here while I was gone.

Chris undresses himself from head to toe, jumping into bed. I strip out of my clothes and leave at least a bit on, unlike him.

He smirks and pulls me to him. We make love for a few hours until he falls asleep on top of me. I leave him there and close my eyes.


The next morning Chris leaves early to go meet up with some guy here in Pittsburgh. Matt, Kyle and Eri are taking me out for coffee. Chris wants me to talk things through with them and get my social life back to normal.

Just another filler, I guess...

~Dahlia Slaughter

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