What A Mess I Have Made Of My Life

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"I'm glad you decided to meet with me. I missed you, you know." Baylona smiled, placing her hand over mine.

I glared down at our hands and sighed. Slowly removing mine, I asked, "And why have you seated me to meet you here? Why couldn't you tell me what you have to tell me over the phone?" I asked all too fast.

She sighed and let her black hair cover half her face.

"I was wondering if you'd want to start up...talking again. I miss you terribly and I hate how you threw me out of your life because of one mistake I made. I'm back to make it better." She grabbed both my hands and leaned over the table to be closer to my face.

I swallowed down hard and sighed.

"I can't. You did me dirty and I don't want that again. Sorry." She leaned closer and smirked.

I remember that evil smirk. And I think I know what she's about to-

Baylona slammed out lips together and she held my head in her hands to keep me from moving. I was in shock to actually pull away. I started to feel my lips respond back until I heard, "C-Chris?" It was her. Dahlia.

I pushed Baylona back in her seat and I shot up, turning to my shocked and heartbroken girl.

"You...You a-and her...again?!" She gasped and glared, angrily. I quickly made my way to her and held her by her arms.

"There is nothing going on between us. Baylona is history, Youre my present and I wish you'd be my future. Don't hate me, I didnt-" She had cut me off.

"You and I...are officially done. No more hurting Michael. Good luck on your relationship with HER!" She stared daggers at Baylona before turning and bumping into Ricky.

She gasped in surprise and he seemed clearly shocked. Had he heard our conversation???

"Did. I. Hear. Right?" He breathed, slowly. His eyes showed nothing more than disappointment.

Dahlia stuttered, uncontrollably and looked around at everything, trying to find the right words to explain her infidelity.

Ricky pulled me aside and slammed me against the wall.

"That's who you've been seeing behind our back this whole time?! Kuza's girl?! Your brother, your best friend who is out doing what he loves?! And the woman he adores is back home fucking his favorite best friend! How much more sicker can this get?!" He shouted at me, causing every head inside the coffee shop to turn to us.

I pushed him away and growled.

"Kuza is my best friend and like my brother but I can't hide the fact that I want his girlfriend! She wants me just as bad and if we have to hide out and see each other that way so no one gets hurt, then fuck it, we will!" That's when Dahlia stepped in front of me and pushed me against the wall like Ricky had.

"We are not gonna keep doing this! I'm so done with the lying, the cheating, the secrets, I just want it all to stop!" She cried, staring deep into my eyes.

Ricky grabbed her by her hips and pulled her body to his chest. She pushed him away and came up to slap me across my face.

I was shocked as well as Ricky and Baylona. The customers gasped and a guy who was behind the counter quickly came up to us.

"In gonna have to ask you guys to leave. This is inappropriate in here and our customers are driving off. Please, leave." He said, pushing Ricky and Dahlia out.

"Don't touch me! I know how to fucking walk, dipshit!" Dahlia spat at the guy who clearly didn't want to be yelled at. He let them go and came back for Baylona and I.

Hate Filled Heart | Michael Kuza/ Chris Motionless-Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now