Addict For Dramatics, Black Hair, And Pale Skin

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I fucking wrote this chapter down but it fucking got erased somehow! I'm pissed because I don't feel like rewriting it! Ugh! ~DS

The soft feel of his large, warm hands on my waist soothed me. His hot breath creeping on the back of my neck turned me on. He pulled my body closer to his and kissed my shoulder, lightly. His hands gripped at my sides and his lips moved passionately over my neck. I closed my eyes and moaned his name into the pillow beneath my head. "Chris!" He chuckled, hardly audible. Quickly, I was flipped on my back and his lean, slender body hovered over mine. He began kissing me deeply and my hands ran up his back, clawing his shoulders. I felt his hips begin to roll as he would slowly grind on me. I encouraged his actions to go further by saying his name. "Chris!" He chuckled, not really audible again. As his mouth moved from my lips to my chest, I heard faint footsteps from outside my bedroom. I was worried it was an intruder. Suddenly, my door knob turns and the door swings open. A tall, slender black silhouette appeared standing there. The person quickly went for the light switch and then the lights came on. There, at my bedroom door stood my boyfriend, Chris. The person kissing my chest stopped and pulled away. It was Michael. Chris stared at us in horror as Mike grinned evilly to himself. "This is absolutely over!" Chris scoffed and ran off, never looking back. I pushed Mike away and ran after Chris, I even shouted out to him to stop the time I reached my hallway, He disappeared...Michael pulled me back into my room and into his arms. "Ssh, it's okay..." He whispered, sweetly. "Its okay, baby. Wake up." He spoke, softly. Thing is, that wasn't his voice...

"Baby, I'm here. Its Chris, I'm here, babe." Chris soothed, lightly shaking me awake.

My eyes flipped open and I was relieved when I saw he was still mine. I hugged him and kissed him.

This wasn't the first time I've dreamt of this. Every night since the phone call with Mike, his words have haunted me in my dreams. Its been happening too many times but I still wake up a crying mess.

It was Chris's first morning back, he returned last night. You could only imagine how ecstatic I was to finally hold him, kiss him and touch him again. Our bodies missed each other so much, we lasted four hours.

"You're here? You're mine?" I whimper into his bare chest. He pulls away and chuckles in confusion.

"Of course, Dahlia. I'm yours forever." he smiled, kissing my lips, softly.

Once we pull away, I hug him tightly again. "I love you..." I whispered, quietly.

"Well, I love you too but, babe, what the fuck were you dreaming about? I mean, you're crying and I fucking worry." he said, sounding concerned about me.

I sigh and kiss his jawbone. "Well, to sum it all up...You left me." His lips slightly parted, a soft gasp leaving his mouth.

"But, aren't those fucking dreams some sort of symbol or sign...?" he asks.

I shrug and look into his big brown eyes. "That depends, do you plan on leaving me?" I asked, nervously.

He pulled me on top of him and grabbed my neck, pulling my head down. Our lips touched and moved on each other, perfectly.

Chris slowly pushed me away and gazed deep into my glistening orbs. "Never, not ever will I leave you. You're my present and, hopefully my future. I love you, Dahlia Rose."

I smiled at that then kissed my boyfriend deeply. "I appreciate you middle naming me, Christopher Thomas." I smirked, sarcasm lacing my every word.

He chuckled and flipped us over to where he was on top of me. He rolled his hips into me and leaned down to kiss my neck. The visions of my dream flashed. Fuck dreams, man.

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