Now This Is All That We Have Left...

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{Oh, look. Another update, heh.}

Days Later

Tomorrow is Chris's birthday and I have already agreed to be Ricky's date. Turns out, Chris heard about Bats and fell in love with the idea of throwing the party there.

I'm going in a costume I've personally deigned myself. It masks my person so he wouldn't know it's me.

I work a quick shift today then leave in the afternoon. I have two more hours then I'm off.

As I sit at my little table, the bell from the door warning us we have a customer chimes.

Two figures come in, one tall and one short. I get up and walk to the front to get a better look and assist them.

"Get out." I spat at Michael, who stood with Matt behind the front desk. "Get out, please before I call the police." I begged, quietly so Spencer, my manager/tattoo artist of the shop wouldn't hear.

Mike held his hands up in defense. "Dahlia, look, I've come to make amends. Can we please talk? Please? I need you to listen to my decision...please? Please? Dahlia, just a few minutes of your time then I'm out. Matt will be here as witness, just please?" He begged and begged until I caved in.

I'm really hesitant after last time we talked. I can't seem to forget what his actions made me do. I ended up in a hospital.

"Five minutes." I spat, leading them to the back. "Spence, I've got my 10:00 appointment right now!" I call as I pass his room.

"Cool!" he calls back then I walk into my small box of a room where I do the piercings.

They sit on chairs while I sit on mine. Mike speaks up first.

"Let me just start off by saying, what happened at my house...I'll never get that mental image out of my head. Watching you slit your own throat right before my eyes...that changed me in so many ways. I thought you were gonna die in my arms. That's the worst thing anyone can experience." The whole time he spoke, my head was down just so he wouldn't see me cry.

"Its true, Dee. Since the day you were released from the hospital, Kuza has been someone completely different." Luke added.

I don't respond, just keep my head down and keep on crying, quietly.

"I've come to the conclusion that you'll never love me again and I..." he takes a deep breath before continuing. "I accept that. I will stop harassing you, hurting you, and destroying your happiness just because you once ruined mine. I learned to forgive." His voices breaks and I look up, slowly, only to see his green orbs glistening. "I want to be your friend again, Dahlia. I want us to hang out and not feel weird around each other. I know you love Chris and only Chris and I had to suffer through seeing you almost kill yourself just to realize he's the only one you want. Yeah, I was the one at some point but...Chris was right there with me as well. You don't have to decide right now, I'll give you time. Just let me...or Matt know, okay?" He gets up, leans down to kiss my head, slowly, then goes to leave.

Matt gets up as well and sighs, watching me start to sob.

"He means well. We love you Dahlia. We only want you to be happy again, think about it." He says, kisses my head too then leaves.

I close the door to my room and cry to myself, thinking about everything Michael said.


I'm positive of my choices now. Over these past weeks, I've become someone different. I need Dahlia back in my life even if it's just as a friend. Even if she broke my heart, or chose someone over me. Watching her dying in my arms traumatized me. Since that day, I've changed how I see things now.

I plan on going to Bats and telling Chris the truth. I lured his girlfriend into my bedroom, basically forced her to have sex with me and break them up. I had it planned for so long, I knew it would work but...I didn't know the outcome of it would include the attempted suicide of the victim.

"So we're going to Bats tomorrow?" Luke asks


"You do know we need to go with someone who is on the list, otherwise we can't get in, right?" He says, raising an eyebrow.

I nod, "And I know just who to ask." I smiled. "Lets go get our costumes ready, man. This is one party I cannot miss." I was determined to win back Dahlia's trust and both her and Chris's friendship.

Things are starting to light up again.

{Bats: Club 10/31 is a club I made up but wish existed. Its for people who live the life of Halloween 24/7 like me. I love the idea} What do you think?

Oh, by the way, I'm ending this story soon. Just a few more chapters and it over. No sequel because I've never written one and you guys wouldn't like it.

~Dahlia Slaughter

Hate Filled Heart | Michael Kuza/ Chris Motionless-Chris CerulliTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang