You Laugh But What Did You Create?

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This chapter as well as the next will finally have other character's point of views. It won't be confusing, I hope. Just bare with me, okay? ~DS


"Go away, me and Dahlia need to talk. Go!" Kuza pushed me out of his house just to be alone with Dahlia.

She cheated on him! What's so great about her?! She stole two guys I wanted but can't have because she's a slut!

"Fuck this shit!" I growl, storming to my car. I get in and slam my door, putting my keys in the ignition.

I stare at Kuza's house for a few minutes then see the light to his bedroom light turn on. I knew it! She's gonna cheat on Chris with Kuza!

I immediately grab my phone and dial his number.

"What, Fran? I'm in the middle of a meeting." Chris answers in an annoyed tone.

"If you want to know what your precious Dahlia does behind your back, I suggest you haul ass to Kuza's house and see for yourself, deary." I smirked, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Franccesca, I don't have time to play this game. You are being immature and-"

"I'm not lying! Kuza kicked me out just so they could be alone and it pissed me off! Come get your girlfriend before I go in there and beat her ass, Chris!" With that said, I hung up and slammed my phone down on the seat.

He didn't want to believe me? Ha, let's see who he goes to when he catches them at it.

I sit back and wait for Chris to pull up in his black car. He gets out, angrily and looks over at Dahlia's car, then mine.

I get out and walk to him. He grabs me by my arms and shakes me, roughly.

"What's she doing in there?!" He growls, clearly pissed.

"They're fucking! She obviously doesn't love you! Go see!" I snap, leading him inside the house.

We make our way upstairs and down the hall. Just as Chris reached for the knob, I stopped him.

"Shh, listen." I whispered. He lowered his heavy breathing and listened close.

We could faintly hear Dahlia moaning or crying and Kuza grunting in pleasure. Suddenly, Dahlia screamed and Chris ran inside, busting the door.

"Dahlia! What the fuck are you doing?!" Chri exclaimed, watching Kuza dominate her.

Dahlia seems to have been crying so, basically, Kuza raped her.

"Chris, baby, I'm so glad you're here!" Dahlia cried, pushing Kuza off and running to Chris's arms.

Chris pushed her away and looked at her in disgust. Kuza quickly got dressed, smirking at himself. He had this planned since the beginning.

Chris got a hold of Kuza and punched him, repeatedly, causing him to bleed out fast.

Kuza was fighting back and I just stared at Dahlia sob into her hands. She looked up and glared at me.

"You knew this was his plan! Bitch!" She hissed and tackled me.

I fought her while the guys punched the living hell out of one another. I slapped Dahlia and she punched my stomach.

Everyone one kept fighting until Chris finally defeated Kuza. Kuza bled from his nose, lip and knuckles.

"Chris! Believe me when I say-" Dahlia began to say but Chris interrupted.

Hate Filled Heart | Michael Kuza/ Chris Motionless-Chris CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now