I'm The Feeling Of Evil Inside Of You

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This is kind of weird but, keep in mind my sister wrote this. All credit goes to her. The next few sentences will be...graphic, idk how to say it. Just read on >>


Its 1:24 in the morning and Dahlia is still sat on my couch, sobbing her fucking eyes out over Chris. I stand by the front door, waiting for her to calm down. Every time I tried comforting her, she'd scream at me.

To be honest, I've never seen her this broken. She's a complete mess. It breaks my heart but I had to do what I did to keep her away from that no good son of a bitch.

Dahlia's sobs weaken and her hands fall from her face. She doesn't look up or anything. She stares at my floor. Sniffles quietly sounding in her nose.

I wait for another movement, just something else.

"Michael..." she whispers in a hoarse little voice. I go to her and kneel in front of where she's sat.

Her makeup is beyond fucked up, her lipstick rubbed off and her hair is somewhat messy.


"Kill me.." She says in a plain tone. The overwhelming feeling of shock consumes me at the sound of those horrifying words.

"What?! No!" I spat, not understanding her choice.

She stands, grabs an empty bottle of beer and smashes it against a table. She grabs a large sharp piece that had shattered from the bottle and held it in her shaking hand.

I backed away in case she'd hurt me. She put the piece of glass to her neck and pressed it, slowly dragging it across.

"Dahlia, no!!!" I dashed to her side and slapped that shard of glass from her, letting her fall into my arms. I carried her to the couch, laying her bleeding body down. Blood scurried down her neck to her chest, seeping into my couch.

I was quick to take my shirt off and put it on her neck to stop the bleeding. With another hand, I called an ambulance.

Tears ran down my face, knowing I was to blame. Maybe she couldn't live without Chris.p How come she can't feel like that for me??

Hours Pass


"Eri, calm down. She's gonna be okay." Kyle soothed his girlfriend as she cries in his arms. Luke sat besides them, His head down in his hands.

Kuza paced around the waiting room, hoping a doctor will come and tell us something, anything.

"She's my best friend, Kyle! If I lose her...Its you're fault, Michael Kuza!" She shot up, pointing an accusing finger at Kuza.

Kuza stopped pacing and went to look out a window. I noticed a young looking male and female staring at us.

"Babe, calm down, please." Kyle says, kissing her forehead. She falls back into his arms and sobs.

I get up and go down to the second floor where there is a cafe. I buy myself a medium mocha cappuccino and sit on a bench by the elevators, sipping it as I think about how fucked up everything has become.

I grab my phone and look for a specific contact before calling and holding it up to my ear.

The number you have dialed is not-


I call two more times but no answer. So, I send a text.

Matt- Where are you?!

I set my phone down and wait. After twenty minutes, my phone goes off.

Chris- Scranton. What's it to you?

I roll my eyes and angrily reply back.

Matt- We have to talk about Dahlia. Its important.

Chris- Nothing you say about that slut will make me listen to you. I give up on her for good.

Chris- Oh, one more thing! Don't text or call me again. You're messing up my time with Franccesca. Fuck Dahlia, fuck you, fuck Kyle, fuck Luke and fuck Kuza. Fran is all I need.

He's fucking Franccesca while Dahlia is here, almost dying because she wanted to kill herself after losing him for good?!

I don't text back and go back to the fourth floor. As I walk back into the waiting room, I see everyone standing. Eri is hugging Kyle, tightly. Kuza is softly smiling to himself. And Luke is leaning against a wall, smiling down at the floor.

I go to them and ask Kuza, "What happened? Any news?"

"Doc said I called the ambulance just in time. If she bled any more, she'd be a goner but she's gonna fucking live." He smiled, crying tears of joy.

I sigh in relief and hug him. Luke, Kyle and Eri join but end up only hugging me.

As we pull away, I sigh a little more depressed. Eri notices and asks, "What wrong? Aren't you glad she's gonna live?"

"I'm ecstatic...it's just...Fran is fucking Chris right now." Everybody looked shocked and upset.

"Its 6:45 in the morning! His girlfriend is here, dying because he left her and he goes and fucks another girl?!" Eri blew up, causing the people across the room to glance at us.

"Who fucks this early?" Kyle grumbled to himself. My thoughts exactly. Luke shakes his head in disappointment.

"She always tends to do that...She could go all night...She's a tramp..." Kuza mutters, looking at the tiled floor. "First she fucks me, then him...bitch." He spits, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up, Michael!" Eri snapped, clearly still pissed at him. "You are the one who wanted a sex relationship with her!"

Kuza glared at her and walked to the window to stare out again.

"Fran should be here. Dahlia was always good to her...fucking traitor." Eri growled, messing with her black and white striped leggings.

Kyle agreed as did I. Dahlia and Fran were always close. Fran helped Dee learn bass every time we'd all hang. Everything's different just because Chris couldn't keep his hands off Dahlia and Kuza couldn't accept the fact she loved Chris more.

One way or another, I was determined to get my friends back and our lives back to fucking normal.

Liking the different POV's? Should I do more?

Oh, and I want to give WeCantAllBePerfect a shout out for helping me so much! Follow, read and vote the fuck out of her stories.

~Dahlia Slaughter

Hate Filled Heart | Michael Kuza/ Chris Motionless-Chris CerulliOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz