Friday June 16th

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I woke up at 7 and got dressed. I fed Duke and then made my two drinks. I put on my boot and then Duke and I headed down at 7:45. Anson pulled up and Duke and I got in.

Anson: so, is the Egg and I good for breakfast?
Me: yeah that's fine with me

Anson drove us there and parked. We got a table and ordered.

Anson: so how had your PT been?
Me: frustrating but I've made pretty good progress. My elbow is taking longer than expected.
Anson: elbows can be tricky
Me: yeah, I guess so
Anson: well how had your summer been so far?
Me: it's been good, kind of boring since I can't do much
Anson: I'm glad you haven't been too bored

We finished eating and then Anson drove us to the athletic training room.

Hooker: Anson, good to see you and this must be Savannah
Anson: yes, it is, Savannah this Dr. Hooker our head physical therapist
Me: hi it's nice to meet you
Hooker: well let's get you to a table and look at what I'm working with. So, I see your still non-weight bearing on the ankle, how long have you been out of the cast?
Me: exactly 3 weeks, I was in a cast for 3 months
Hooker: okay and what about your elbow? I see you're at 136, how long was that cast on?
Me: I had one for a month and a half and I've been out of it now for a month
Hooker: okay not bad, how has the shoulder been without the brace?
Me: great, I'm almost at full range of motion
Hooker: perfect, well what have you been doing in PT back home?
Me: STIM machines, exercises, and we were just about to start water therapy.
Hooker: good, well we will do STIM and exercises today and then tomorrow we can do some water therapy
Me: okay

Dr. Hooker hooked me up to the machines and then did my exercises. I got my boot and brace back on and then Anson drove me to Jackie's office. I went in while Anson stayed in the lobby.

Jackie: Baby Horse how have you been?
Me: good, I've been sticking to Dawn's plan
Jackie: yes, I spoke to her this week. You're eating 3,000 calories a day and also two drinks, correct?
Me: yup
Jackie: what are you weighing now?
Me: 105
Jackie: okay not too bad, any menstrual cycle yet?
Me: nope not yet
Jackie: alright well Dawn wants me to take blood so she can analyze it to make sure everything is still good
Me: definitely have not missed that every camp.

Jackie took my blood and then went over foods that I did and didn't like.

Jackie: so do you cook or planning on cooking?
Me: ha un no I can't cook, I have a chef but I don't think she coming with me unfortunately
Jackie: well since your meal plan is covered by the school, I will make a list for you of what you should be eating, when you should be eating it, and on what days
Me: okay
Jackie: well it was good to see you, I will see you again in August
Me: okay thank you
Jackie: bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Jackie

I left Jackie's office and then Anson drove me to my counselor's office.

Nancy: Hi, I'm Nancy Cordova, you must be Savannah Solo
Me: yes
Nancy: okay well you're majoring in Pre-Vet with concentration in Zoology
Me: yes
Nancy: okay well I have both your soccer and cheer schedules so I will schedule your easiest classes for the first semester. You will have Chem 1, general biology, calculus, and freshman seminar. I have them all arranged to not affect your practice, have a look and let me know
Me: it looks good to me
Nancy: okay perfect, if you run into any problems just let me know
Me: I will
Nancy: well it was nice to meet you with in person
Me: it was nice to meet you too, thank you
Nancy: of course, bye Savannah
Me: bye Mrs. Cordova

Anson and I got back in the car around 12:30 and we went to pick up everyone's lunch from Bojangles. We went to the field and Tom and Dino were just finishing up picking the demo staff. After everything was picked and we all ate all the girls went back to E-Haus. It was only about 3:30 so the girls showered and then went down to play FIFA.

AK: hey are you coming?
Me: in a little bit, I need to call Hope
AK: okay see you then

AK left and I facetimed Hope.

Hope: Baby Horse, how's UNC?
Me: great, I have my schedule set and Jackie is talking with Dawn to get my food plan set up
Hope: good
Me: yeah
Hope: alright what's wrong
Me: it's hard watching everyone play when I can't
Hope: I know it is, how's your PT going?
Me: still not walking and I'm at 136
Hope: you've made some progress
Me: yeah I guess
Hope: have you talked to your dad?
Me: not since graduation
Hope: Savannah!
Me: hey I've called. A phone works 2 ways
Hope: it does, and knowing that have you talked to your sister?
Me: nope
Hope: have you tried?
Me: no
Hope: why not
Me: because I don't want to
Hope: okay, well overall how are you feeling?
Me: I'm alright, I just miss playing
Hope: I know you do
Me: well I have to go
Hope: alright bye SB
Me: bye mama

I hung up with Hope and then went down to the lounge. We decided on ordering pizza and it got there as Wendy, Tome, Dino, and Anson did.

Wendy: alright get you pizza and then we'll talk as you eat

We all quickly got up and got our plates before sitting back down.

Wendy: alright check-in starts at 12 so we need to be up and setting up by 8. Rachel and I are on the key deposit table, Mya and Nicki are on the form table, Cam and Sarah are the key tables, and AK, Baby Horse, and Cara are the gear table. Abby and Macy, you two will just float around and direct the kids.
Tom: Remember blue shirt and it doesn't matter what shorts tomorrow

We all agreed and they all left. We finished eating and played FIFA for a couple more hours. We went up and showered before going to be around 12.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now