Friday August 25th

435 20 0

My alarm went off at 6:15 and I quietly left with Duke. I got my brace set first and then took Duke out. We went back up and I went back to sleep. All of our alarms went off at 8:45. We all got up and brushed our teeth before heading down. We fixed our plates and sat down to eat.

Annie: so Baby Horse, how's cheer?
Me: it's good
Jo: oh I grew up with Macon
Me: she told me you two were friends, I love her
Jo: she's great

We finished eating and then went up to our room. I made my drinks and then we started our next episode. We watched until lunchtime. The 6 of us went down and fixed our plates. We sat down and then Anson pulled up a chair next to me.

Anson: I know the U-23s don't usually have camps during the college season, but do you know the schedule for your camps?
Me: yeah, September is 12-19, October is 9-19, November is 6-12, I already have everything scheduled out.
Anson: perfect, send me your schedule when you get the chance please
Me: I will

Anson left, and the girls and I talked.

Annie: do you not get overwhelmed with everything?
Me: sometimes, but I have Hope and my PR which helps a lot
Meghan: other than Hope do you talk to the other girls?
Me: yeah I talk to Kelley and Alex almost every day and Ali and Ashlyn every once in a while
AK: I have to admit before college I used to follow all of the girls like on everything
Jo: I did too, but you can't tell them
Me: I promise I won't tell them and embarrass you
AK: you better not

I laughed and then all of us cleaned up our table before going up to the room. We watched an episode and a half before my phone started ringing.

Me: hey Hope
Hope: hey what are you up to?
Me: watching Gossip Girls with AK, Jo, Jessie, Annie, and Meghan
Hope: fun, what time do you play?
Me: 7
Hope: well good luck tonight
Me: thank you
Hope: bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Hopester

We continued our episode and then had to go down to dinner. We ate and then went back up to our rooms to change and grab our bags. We loaded up the bus and we were there in about 10 minutes. AK and I led everyone to the locker room. Once everyone was dressed we went out for warmups. Halfway through I had to get taped and then went back to take my last couple of shots. We finished, and Anson called everyone in.

Anson: alright, the lineup is Sam, Mya, Julia, Maggs, Cam, Jo, Annie, and Megan and Jessie, Bridge, and Baby Horse

We got a break and then took the field against UCF. UCF kicked off and we pressured to win it back. Possession went back and forth until UCF was able to score off a cross. We set back up and I sent it back. We kept it and made our way back up the field. Annie passed me the ball and when the center back stepped to my back to not let me turn, I let the ball run through my legs and Jessie ran onto it and put it past the keeper for the equalizer. We went to halftime and sat down to listen to Anson.

Anson: overall, we are doing fine, now we just need to clean it up. Keep it simple and we will be fine.

We got another break and took the field again. Both wingbacks were subbed, and Maddie came in for Bridge. The whistle blew, and I sent it back to Jo. We kept possession for the majority of the first 20 minutes. In the 70th minute, Sam punted it up to Jo who head flicked it to me. I took my touch to split the center backs and then sprinted past them. The keeper came out and I chipped it over her. The scored stayed 2-1 until the final whistle blew. We got a cooldown and then I heard someone yell my name.

Ashlyn: Baby Horse!
Me: Ash! Oh my god, Ali, Twin why didn't you tell me you were coming!
Alex: then it wouldn't be a surprise you dummy
Me: rude
Ali: that was a great goal
Me: thank you, oh hold on

Me: guys! this is AK, Jo, Annie, Meghan, and Jessie
Ali: are you all seniors?
AK: yes
Alex: a couple of you play for the U-23s right?
Jessie: me, Meghan and Jo have

Anson: Ashlyn Harris, it has been a while since I've seen you
Ash: it has, it's good to see you Anson
Anson: well we have to get back to the hotel but you are more than welcome to join
Ash: actually, we were hoping to take this one to dinner if we could
Anson: definitely, do you know how much she eats
Me: hey!
Alex: oh we know

Everyone laughed and then we all headed to the locker room. I quickly changed and put my brace on before grabbing my stuff. I went out and followed Ali, Ash, and Alex back to Ali and Ashlyn's jeep.

Ali: do you want to choose Baby Horse
Me: I don't know what's around
Alex: ooh there's Giovanni's
Ash: I'm good with that
Ali: Giovanni's it is then

Ash parked and the 4 of us went in. We got a table in the back and put in our orders.

Alex: so how are you liking college?
Me: it great, my classes are on a good schedule and as you can see, soccer is good.
Ali: so, what about the other freshman?
Me: Hope told you
Ash: yup
Me: well there's a lot of reason's they don't like me
Alex: are the seniors one?
Me: yeah, I was the only freshman they talked to for the first week
Ash: I remember doing that

Me: yeah, also I'm the only starting freshman, I lead breakfast club, and Anson loves me
Ash: Anson does have his favorites in each grade
Me: yeah I know, it's me, Bridge for the sophomores, Jess for the juniors, and then AK, Jo, and Meghan for the seniors
Ali: how is Brad, Justin, and Kiley doing?
Me: Brad and Justin are both second string as of now, and Kiley is doing fine and has made a couple friends on the field hockey team
Alex: that's good
Me: yeah, how is your season going?
Ash: we play Sky Blue on Sunday but we're not doing too bad overall
Me: that's good

We got our food and talked more about our teams. It was almost 11 by the time we finished eating and talking so the girls took me back to the hotel.

Me: thank you for coming
Alex: as long as you keep repping number 13 well
Ali: what she said
Me: hey!
Ash: its Hope's job to love you no matter what
Me: wow so rude
Ali: we're kidding, we love you too
Me: as do I, bye guys

Duke and I went up to the room and AK was the only one up.

Me: hey
AK: go ahead and shower, I'll feed Duke
Me: thank you

I quickly showered and then got ready for bed. AK and I talked while I updated my log and then we ended up falling asleep around 1.    

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora