Monday July 31st

456 18 0

I woke up at 7 and Hope was already up. I got dresses and we went down to breakfast. We ate and then the girls went to recovery while I went to find Dave for PT. I was hooked up the STIM machine for 20 minutes and then had to do my exercises. Dave moved my brace to 159.

Me: yay 2 degrees
Dave: just takes time Baby Horse
Me: yeah, I know
Dave: well you're free to go
Me: thank you, Dave,

I left and went to the room to call Brad.

Brad: hey good morning baby
Me: good morning, how's your packing?
Brad: it's good, I'm almost done. I just have to actually put it in my truck
Me: that's good when does the truck show up?
Brad: 5:30 tomorrow morning
Me: gross
Brad: yeah, I'm just glad we don't have to drive
Me: true
Brad: oh, did you decide on hosting the rave?
Me: yeah, I decided I would. It's going to be Saturday night
Brad: did you tell Hope?
Me: not yet but I will
Brad: okay good
Me: well you better finish packing
Brad: yeah, bye I love you
Me: bye babe, I love you too

I hung up as Hope came in.

Hope: there you are
Me: yeah, I was talking to Brad
Hope: well you need to get packing, you know we're leaving after lunch
Me: yeah, I know

Hope and I packed our stuff until lunch. We went down and fixed our plates.

Alex: twin how was PT?
Me: it was good, I'm at 159
Ali: and your ankle feels good?
Me: yeah

We ate and then went to load the bus. I sat in my own row across from Hope. Ali and Ash were behind me and Kelley was in front of me. I was texting Rachel about supplies for the party on Saturday.

Me: how many people are you expecting?
Rachel: well last year you had what like almost a thousand
Me: yeah
Rachel: then I would say about 700
Me: okay are you doing chaperones?
Rachel: we'll probably have one or two just to take keys
Me: alright, I can also get Justin's dad to make sure no one is driving
Rachel: perfect
Me: well what things do you want? Also, what is the theme
Rachel: Athletes vs Mathletes and then boys are planning on two kegs like last year
Me: okay no problem, I can handle food
Rachel: okay well we can pay you 400 for hosting. Is that enough?
Me: yeah that's fine
Rachel: perfect and is 10-1 good with you?
Me: yes
Rachel: alright, thank you so much!
Me: of course

As I hit send Kelley grabbed my phone.

Kelley: who you texting?
Me: Kelley! Give it back
Kelley: is it, Brad
Me: no, seriously Kell give it back
Kelley: who's Rachel
Me: Kelley!
Hope: will you two stop!
Me: tell her to give me my phone
Kelley: tell her to tell me who Rachel is
Hope: oh my lord, Kelley give it back, and Savannah who is Rachel?
Me: she's West Point's class president
Hope: and why are you texting her?
Me: see what you did Kelley
Hope: Savannah
Me: I'll tell you when I know everything
Hope: Savannah Blaire
Me: I promise just give me a little bit
Hope: I'll find out if you don't
Me: I know

I sat back in my seat and slept for the last hour. We got to the hotel and got rooms. I was with Kelley in 456 which was next to Ali and Allie and Hope and Alex. I put my stuff down and jumped on the bed.

Kelley: so what are you planning
Me: I'm not as much planning as I am hosting
Kelley: hosting what?
Me: 2018 Senior Week Rave
Kelley: Hope's going to be so pissed
Me: I plan on telling her
Kelley: you think that will go well?
Me: probably not but its planned so it's happening
Kelley: good luck with that
Me: well we have 2 and a half hours until dinner so wanna go walk around?
Kelley: or we could longboard
Me: yes you grab them and I'll meet you in the lobby
Kelley: okay

Kelley left and I put on my ankle brace. I went down and met Kelley. We went out and went to Starbucks first.

Kelley: so what are you doing about cars?
Me: I want to keep all three but there's no reason to
Kelley: yeah, which on are you going to give up?
Me: probably the 4 runner
Kelley: I'm surprised
Me: well the Rover matches the Audi, even if it's not how I wanted to get it
Kelley: yeah I guess
Me: do you know anyone that wants a 4Runner?
Kelley: oh actually Spencer and I were talking about her wanting one last week
Me: oh I'll call her then

Kelley and I rode around for another hour before heading back to the hotel. As soon as we walked in Hope was there.

Hope: Savannah Blaire Solo, seriously. You were not allowed to leave and you definitely were not allowed to be longboarding
Me: it's already been a week, come on
Hope: even if you weren't still in trouble, you left without telling me
Me: we only went to Starbucks
Hope: and you're still arguing
Me: okay fine sorry
Hope: thank you, now phone and watch
Me: ugh
Hope: now let's go to dinner.

I gave Hope my stuff and then she followed us to lunch. We fixed our plates and sat down.

Alex: don't Brad and Justin move in tomorrow
Me: yeah, they just finished packing their trucks today
Kelley: what time is their flight
Me: they fly out at like 7 and land around 1 or 2. Coach Fedora is picking them up.
Allie: when is the first game?
Me: September 2nd, we play Cal Berk
Alex: ooh
Kelley: twins divided

We finished eating and then we went to get ready for movie night. Kelley and I were hosting so we picked the movie Taken. Alex and Allie were the first two and they sat with me. The rest of the team came in and we started the movie. Hope plugged my phone in for me and then shut everything off before going to her own room. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz