Sunday July 23rd

488 20 0

Brad and I woke up at 8 and ate breakfast. I got dressed and then Brad drove me to the airport.

Me: bye baby, I love you
Brad: I love you too, good luck with Hope
Me: thanks, I'll need it.

I went to my gate and boarded at 10. I landed in Seattle at 12:30 and Alex had landed at 12:15 so she was waiting for me.

Alex: twin!
Me: Al! I haven't seen you in months
Alex: I know, how have you been?
Me: I've been better but I'm making it

We walked to baggage claim as we talked. Our bags came down and Alex grabbed mine for me.

Me: thanks, oh I should probably go ahead and tell you that I'm in trouble with Hope
Alex: I'm not surprised, but why?
Me: throwing Brad's birthday party
Alex: what's your punishment
Me: I'm not sure yet, she'll probably take my phone though

Alex and I got to the hotel and we were rooming together while Hope was rooming with Kelley. We took our bags to our room and Kelley was already there.

Me: Squirrel!
Kell: Baby Horse, I haven't seen you since January
Me: yeah I know, I've missed being with the team
Kell: so, where are you with PT?
Me: I'll tell you and Alex, but let's go for a walk
Kell: uh okay

The 3 of us left and went for a walk.

Me: I'm trying to give myself more time before Hope finds me, but my PT is going well for my ankle but my elbow right now won't go past 152. It's been like this for over a week.
Alex: does it hurt?
Me: sometimes
Kell: can you pick stuff up?
Me: not really, my whole arm is weak
Alex: what's the heaviest you can hold
Me: uh like a water bottle
Kell: seriously
Me: yeah, but the good thing is that I can jog now
Alex: that's good
Kell: well its lunchtime so let's head back

The 3 of us walked back and went to the meal room.

Dawn: Baby Horse, it's good to see you. Here is your plate and I want to see you in the training room once you done.
Me: yes mam

We sat down to eat and then Hope came in.

Hope: I want to see you in my room once we're done
Me: I have to go to the training room to see Dawn first but then I will
Hope: okay

I finished eating and went to the training room.

Dawn: alright I want to take blood and measurements before Beck evaluates you
Me: okay

Dawn took some blood and then I stripped down to my Nike pros and sports bra. Dawn took measurements and then weighed me. I was actually at 110.

Dawn: that's good, I'm glad to see you getting back up there

Beck then came in and looked at my ankle and elbow.

Beck: your ankle is looking really good, are you jogging yet?
Me: slowly but yes
Beck: good

I got dressed and then reluctantly went to Hope's room.

Hope: sit
Me: okay
Hope: now I've come down to 3 things, 1 you write my rules 20 times a day, 2 you have to give me all electronics and you cannot use someone else's, or 3 you get to spend all day every day with me.
Me: seriously
Hope: I can combine them if you can't choose
Me: well I can't write and I need my streaks so it looks like I get to spend the next week and a half with you
Hope: well come on then, I have to schedule ice times with Beck
Me: great

Hope and I left and put our times in with Beck. As we left we ran into Ali and Julie.

Me: Ali! I've missed you
Ali: how have you been?
Me: good, lots of rehab but I'm getting there
Hope: well come on Baby Horse
Me: bye Ali, bye JJ

I went with Hope back to her room and Hope had emails to go through so I just went through my Instagram feed. I also went through Twitter and Hope still wasn't done. Alex then came in.

Alex: there you are, Kelley, Allie, and I were going to start of monop deal so come on

I looked over to Hope and she just raised her eyebrows at me.

Me: You know I would but I can't. You see, I get to spend the next week with my very best friend Hope. Anywhere she goes I go.
Alex: alright then we will bring the game to you
Me: perfect

Kelley, Alex, Allie, Ali, and Moe all came in to play. We played until dinner and then all went down together. Dawn and I made my plate and then I sat down. We ate and then changed before having movie night in mine and Kelley's room. Kelley, Alex and I all fell asleep in my bed halfway through the movie. Once the movie ended, Hope put the covers over us before shutting everything off. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now