Monday June 19th

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I woke up at 6 and fed Duke while I got dressed. The 4 of went down and got breakfast. We finished eating and went back to E-Haus. AK took our group down while Anson drove me to PT.

Hooker: good morning Savannah, well do the machines today and then we can try the anti-gravity treadmill.
Me: alright

I was hooked up to the STIM machines for 20 minutes and then Dr. Hooker helped me over to the treadmill. Dr. Hooker zipped me in and set it on 5 percent body weight. I started walking and as I went I was able to get to 50 percent.

Hooker: good job, you're walking evenly
Me: thank you
Hooker: well I will see you tomorrow
Me: see you Dr. Hooker

Anson drove me down to the field and my team was playing Chicago. We tied 3-3 and then went to lunch at 12. AK, Nicki, Cara, Rachel and I decided to go to Panera. Both AK and I's meals didn't come out on time so we had to take them to go. We got back right at 1:15 and had to walk down to the field with the girls. They were doing long ball demo so I let AK eat while I helped the girls.

When it was time to measure AK took my place so I could eat. Once the girls finished long balls we played Portland. We beat them 2-0 and everyone went to dinner. We went back to the field at 6:30 and did some drills before splitting the girls up to play 5v5 on small fields. We let the girls got back at 8:30 so they could shower quickly if they wanted. Everyone then came down for the 9pm meeting. They did the raffle and then camp awards before Dino took the microphone.

Dino: alright girls we are going to let our current Tar Heads do a Q & A with you. So, girls say your name, grade, major, and number.

AK: well I'm Alex Kimball, but everyone calls me AK. I'm a senior majoring in Kinesiology, I'm a forward, number 47, and I'm from Chapel Hill.
Mya: I'm Mya Worth, I'm a senior majoring in Exercise and Sports Medicine, I'm a defender and number 5. Oh, and I'm from Cary, North Caroline
Abby: I'm Abby Stoker. I'm a sophomore majoring in communications and I'm a midfielder. I'm number 8 and I'm from Chapel Hill
Cam: I'm Cameron Levitt, I'm a junior majoring in Physiology. I'm number 3 and I'm a midfielder. I'm from Raleigh
Bridgett: I'm Bridgett Otto and I'm from Austin, Texas. I'm a sophomore majoring in Social Sciences. I'm a defender, number 7 and I also play for the U-20 national team.
Me: I'm Savannah Solo, aka Baby Horse. I'm from West Point, Louisiana and I'll be a freshman majoring in Pre-Vet/Zoology. I'm a forward and I don't know my number yet but I am number 6 for the senior national team.

Dino: alright questions?
Girl: are you required to live on campus?
AK: yes, as an athlete you are unless you live in Chapel Hill and choose to commute.

Girl: what's the hardest part about being a college soccer player?
AK: ooh good question, for me I guess it would be time management
Mya: definitely time management
Cam: for me would be injuries. College is a lot rougher and more taxing on the body
Abby: adjusting to college play was my problem. College is so much faster and requires quick thinking
Bridget: being in the U-20s helped a lot but for me would be finding your group or place whether that is on the team or outside of it
Me: well I'm not sure yet

Girl: what are your days like?
AK: well we train in the mornings so after that we have the rest of the day to have class and catch up with friends.

Girl: why did you choose UNC?
AK: Baby Horse you're the newest
Me: oh well I helped with camp last year and loved the campus and the girls. Plus, I knew I would be challenged academically.
Bridget: like Baby Horse said, good academics and an amazing campus
Cam: I knew I would be challenged not only as a player but as a person, also I'm close to home
Abby: I'm close to home too and I mean who wouldn't to come to the University of National Championships.
Mya: everything they've said but also the people, from teachers to peers everyone just wants to help each other better themselves
AK: I think we're forgetting to mention all of the traditions we have here and also every sports team is amazing so as an athlete you may get the chance to meet an Olympian before they even become one unless your Baby Horse and your already one

We all laughed and then we answered two more questions before AK and I handed out pizzas. Once we finished we went to our room and showered before going to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now