Wednesday August 2nd

476 18 0

Kelley and I woke up at 6:30 and got dressed before going down to breakfast. We fixed our plates and sat down. We ate and talked about going home tomorrow. I finished and got up.

Hope: when are you going to tell me about Rachel
Me: uh well I have to go, so not now
Hope: Savannah
Me: see you on the bus

I went to Dave and he put heat on my ankle before taping it.

Dave: make sure you bring your brace
Me: I will

I went to my room and changed before grabbing my bag and getting on the bus. I sat with Kelley to avoid Hope.

Kelley: you can't avoid her forever
Me: I don't plan to. Just until tomorrow
Kelley: good luck with that
Me: I know

We got to the stadium and out on our cleats. We warmed up and then Dave pulled me aside.

Dave: alright we'll do touches and long balls first
Me: okay

Once we finished long balls Dave brought me over to the extra goal and Jane came over.

Dave: alright we are going to start off slow. I'm going to pass some in, you touch and shoot
Me: finally

I took about 10 shots with each foot and then we had to regroup the balls.

Jane: shit your shot is still hard as hell
Me: thank you
Jane: we'll do another round and then do a few one touches
Me: okay

Once I finished the next two sets Dave lead me through a cool down stretch.

Dave: back at the hotel shower, and then well do elbow exercises
Me: okay
Dave: also Dawn has your drink make sure you grab it
Me: I will

I went over to the bench and took my cleats off. I took off my ankle brace and then the tape.

Alex: your form was looking good twin
Me: well my aim is off
Kelley: it'll get there
Me: yeah

We got our stuff and then loaded the bus. Back at the hotel, I showered and then went to Dave. Dave hooked me to the STIM machine and then I did my exercises before Dave tried to set my process. It wouldn't go any further.

Dave: well I guess all the process went to your ankle
Me: I guess so
Dave: don't be too down, you'll get there
Me: I know, thank you
Dave: of course, now go get some lunch Baby Horse
Me: oh, would it be okay for me to start stretching again?
Dave: as long as you don't involve your arm and be careful that you don't over roll your ankle
Me: of course, thank you

I left and went down to fix my plate. I sat between Kelley and Alex.

Kelley: any progress?
Me: nope but its whatever
Alex: did you ask Dave about stretching again?
Me: yeah he said I could, but I can't use my arm so it'll kind of be hard but I'll take what I can get
Alex: what do you do?
Me: well I have to stretch like normally first and then I'll go into my heel stretches and scorpions. Which I'll only be able to do one leg
Alex: would you like help, if that's even possible
Me: it is but it gets real personal real quick
Kelley: yeah like that's a problem for us
Me: I mean true but I was giving you a forewarning

Hope: forewarning of what
Me: Al and Kell offered to help me stretch and I was telling them it gets real personal
Hope: oh yeah definitely
Me: it doesn't bother me but sometimes it bothers others
Allie: have you always been that flexible
Me: for as long as I can remember
Tobin: you're like a rubber band

We talked for a bit longer as we finished eating. Kelley, Alex, and I cleaned our spots and then headed up to the room. I stretched normally first and then told Kelley and Alex what to do.

Alex: are you sure
Me: yes Al, push my foot to the wall
Alex: this scares me
Me: oh, just wait

We finished both legs and then I turned to face Kelley.

Me: normally I would face a wall but since I don't have both arms, Kelley I need you to hold underneath my arms
Kelley: okay
Me: now Alex push my leg all the way up
Alex: like to make an l?
Me: yes but further
Alex: okay
Kelley: how does this not hurt
Me: it just doesn't, alright now the other leg
Alex: I now get what you mean
Me: yup, there's a reason I never ask Brad
Kelley: you'd never finish stretching
Me: exactly

Alex let my leg down then we sat on my bed and watched Netflix until dinner. At 7 we went down and fixed our plates. We sat with Allie and Ali.

Ali: how was your stretching Baby Horse?
Me: good
Kelley: have you seen her being stretched
Ali: yeah when she had competition in Orlando I saw her before she went on
Me: and that was Nate, he doesn't go easy like Alex did
Allie: it's crazy how you have so much body control
Me: well who is hosting movie night
Ali: me and Moe
Me: great well I'm going before Hope comes
Ali: Savannah
Me: trust me, it's better for everyone
Tobin: what are you hiding?
Me: you'll find out

I put my plate away and then went up to my room. I changed and then facetimed Brad.

Brad: hey Baby
Me: hey babe, how's moving in?
Brad: its good so far but Justin and I are going to need you and Kiley to help us organize
Me: of course you do, but we will
Brad: good, how's camp?
Me: it's alright, I've avoided Hope all of today so I don't have to tell her about the party
Brad: what do you think she's going to do
Me: I don't know that's why I don't want to tell her
Brad: would she be able to fly there?
Me: no she had a game
Brad: well I have to do, so let me know what she says
Me: I will,
Brad: bye, I love you
Me: I love you too, bye

I hung with Brad and then went to movie night which I was late for. I squeezed myself between Kelley and Alex. Kelley and I fell asleep like normal and Ali just lets us stay. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now