Sunday August 20th

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My alarm went off at 5:45 and I woke up. I quietly got up and got dressed. I fed Duke which woke Brad.

Brad: hey, where you going?
Me: PT
Brad: let me grab a shirt and I'll come
Me: okay

I went down to my car and Brad and Duke come down shortly after. Brad drove us to the training room. I got hooked up to the stim machine and then did my exercises. Dr. Hooker came over and helped put my brace on before straightening it out which was a struggle but it finally locked at 180.

Hooker: I know it hurts but you are making progress.
Me: I know

Brad and I left and we picked up breakfast before going back to the apartment. Kiley and Justin were still asleep so Brad unbagged everything while I woke them.

Me: Kiley, Justin!
Kiley: mm
Justin: huh what's wrong!
Me: nothing, we have breakfast
Justin: I hate you
Me: no, you don't

Kiley and Justin got up and the 4 of us ate breakfast. After we finished eating we cleaned up and then talked about what we wanted to do.

Me: I say Zoo
Justin: of course you would
Kiley: I say Zoo
Brad: I guess we're going to the Zoo
Justin: only if I get to drive the Rover
Me: fine

The 4 of us changed and then left around 9:30. An hour later we parked. The 4 of us got out and went in. We started in Section A and went through to B. Halfway we stopped to get pizza for lunch. Once we completely finished it was 4 and a half hours later. We got back in the car and headed home. We got back a little bit before 7 and went to eat dinner.

We finished eating and I dropped the 3 of them off at Teague. Duke and I went back to the apartment and I showered while Duke ate. Hope called me as I was getting out of the shower.

Me: hey, give me a sec
Hope: okay
Me: alright, I'm back
Hope: what'd you do today?
Me: we went to the Zoo
Hope: of course you did
Me: it was really fun
Hope: I'm glad it was
Me: what did you do
Hope: I had recovery and then took the dogs for a run
Me: ugh run, I have to do that in the morning

Hope: how has it been?
Me: it gets better every morning
Hope: good and your elbow?
Me: it hurts like a bitch
Hope: still?
Me: yes but only at 180
Hope: what had Dr. Hooker said?
Me: if pain persists on Monday then I'll get x-rays and MRIs

Hope: well what's your schedule looking like
Me: classes start on Tuesday, we fly to Florida on Thursday. Play UCF on Friday and SF on Sunday before flying back.
Hope: well good
Me: yup, well I'm exhausted and I have to be up by 5
Hope: alright goodnight SB
Me: goodnight mama

I hung up and then got ready for bed. I ended up falling asleep around 10. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now