Saturday September 9th

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My alarm went off at 5 and I quietly got up and got dresses. I grabbed my food and then Duke and I left and went to the weight room. The girls showed up and we stretched before I set off with a 6:40 pace. We went for 4 miles and finished at 6:10. We got breakfast and then I went to the training room. I did my exercises and then went back to the weight room.

AK: what time do you have run through today?
Me: 10:30 to 12:30
Annie: well let's do lunch at 1 and we can plan tonight
Me: alright, oh you can finally meet Kiley
Meghan: what about your boy?
Me: they report at 12 but you can meet him tonight

Our conversation was interrupted as Anson and Dino came in. We went into agility drills and then did a weight circuit. We ended at 8 and were free to go.

Jo: lunch at Merritt's at 1
Me: yup see you there

I went back to the apartment and Brad was still asleep. I changed and then woke him up.

Me: hey babe
Brad: mm what time is it?
Me: almost 9
Brad: how was practice?
Me: it was good, oh and not all of the plans have been set but be prepared to go out tonight
Brad: okay, is Kiley and Justin coming
Me: yeah and Jo, Jessie, Meghan, Annie, AK, and probably Macon and Rice oh and Parker, Jo's boyfriend
Brad: so how many people?
Me: as its looking 12
Brad: okay
Me: well let's go eat
Brad: the way to my heart

Both of us got up and went to the dining hall. We got our plates and joined Kiley and Justin. We ate and then Kiley and I had to go to practice. As we walked in we found Macon and Rice. The walkthrough started, and we went over everything. We were free to go at 12:30 and the 4 of us went to Merritt's. We got a table and then Jo, Jessie, Annie, Meghan, AK, and Parker came in. I introduced them to Kiley and we were introduced to Parker.

AK: so, do we wanna do one or two places.
Annie: with 12 let's only do one
Me: I agree, also anyone who wants to get ready and/or crash at my place is welcome to
Kiley: Justin and I will
AK: I will
Annie: Meghan and I will
Jessie: I'm not
Jo: Parker and I aren't
Macon: I will
Rice: I'm not
Me: alright I'll make sure I have food

All of us ate and agreed on going to Top of the Hill. We all finished eating and went our ways. Kiley and I went to get snacks and then brought them back to the apartment.

Kiley: where is everyone going to sleep?
Me: me, you, Justin and Brad in mine, AK and Meghan can have the pullout, and Annie and Macon can have the air mattress
Kiley: I forgot about the air mattress

Kiley and I cleaned my apartment and then we got ready for the game. We walked to the stadium and went in. We warmed up and then kickoff was at 7. Brad and Justin started and after 8 plays we had a field goal to put us up 3-0. Louisville got a touch down shortly after to make it 3-7. Before the first quarter ended Brad threw a 30-yard touchdown pass to Justin and Jones made the kick to put us up 10-7.

The second quarter started, and we had another field goal. Louisville had a touchdown to put them up 13-14. We responded with Brad's incredible 65-yard touchdown pass to Justin to make it 20-14 at halftime. Brad started the 3rd quarter with a 22-yard pass to Jackson, Louisville had two touchdowns to put the score at 27-28.

The 4th quarter started and after 11 plays Brad made a 10-yard touchdown run to put us up 33-28. We got the ball back and Justin received a 25-yard pass and then spun around his defender to score a touchdown. To end, Brad threw an 11-yard pass to let us win 47-28.

We took pictures and then we were free to go. Kiley and I waited for the boys and then went to my apartment. We started getting ready and everyone else started arriving. At 11 everyone was ready to go so we walked over to Top of the Hill.

For the next three hours, we told old high school stories and then ended the night playing Never Have I Ever with shots. The bar closed at 2 and we got back to my apartment and decided to play Captain Dickhead. After 2 rounds we all crashed around 3:30.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora