Friday August 4th

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Hope's alarm went off at 6:15 waking all three of us.

Alex: I'm too sore to move
Me: I'm too lazy
Hope: come on twins

We got up and went down to breakfast. We fixed our plates and sat down.

Allie: hope your party goes well
Me: I told you that everyone would find out
Kelley: yeah, we all heard that little argument
Ali: at least they seemed to come to an agreement
Hope: we did
Alex: I'm glad it timed right during my shower.

We all laughed and then girls headed to recovery while I went to Dave. I did the STIM machine and then my exercises. Dave set my brace to 164 and then put a compression sock on my ankle.

Dave: you can take that off an hour after you land
Me: alright
Dave: well good luck at college and don't forget to send updates
Me: thank you and I will

I went to my room and then girls were just getting back. We all grabbed our stuff and loaded the bus to go to the airport. We unloaded and checked our bags in. My flight was first so everyone walked with me.

Allie: (Insta Story) the baby is going off to college
Me: stoop
Alex: good luck twin
Kelley: go score some goals
Me: seriously, (end story)

Me: bye guys
Tobin: have fun
Me: you act like you're not going to see me forever
Hope: just be glad it's not your real send-off
Me: I am

I hugged them all and then boarded my flight. My flight took off at 11 and I landed at 4:45. I walked to baggage claim and to my surprise Jayme was there with the boys and Duke.

Rand: Vanna!
Me: hey guys!
Aulds: we missed you!
Me: I missed you too
Jayme: how was camp?
Me: good, I've been running some and my elbow is at 164
Jayme: wow
Me: and guess what
Jayme: what
Me: I even got to do shooting drills
Jayme: awe that means your close
Me: I know

I grabbed my bag and then we all went to the car. On the ride home, Jayme and I caught up on everything. Jayme dropped me off and I went inside. I unpacked and then started going through my clothes and folded most of them to go into boxes. Hope called around 7.

Me: hey mama
Hope: hey, what are you up to
Me: going through clothes
Hope: well do you have a minute
Me: yeah why?
Hope: I need to have a serious conversation with you
Me: okay why didn't you do it at camp?
Hope: because I didn't know what I was going to say
Me: alright

Hope: you need to figure out what you are going to do with the house
Me: I know
Hope: I know you don't want to sell but it's a conversation you need to have with your dad
Me: if he would call
Hope: that's a different problem, but I am telling you that you need to pick up the phone and call him before you leave and you also have to close off with everyone you technically employ
Me: I know
Hope: you should also talk to your sister
Me: ...

Hope: SB
Me: I'm just thinking
Hope: I know you are and I'm pretty sure I know what you are thinking
Me: you do, well I am going to go
Hope: alright, just remember what I said
Me: I will
Hope: bye SB
Me: bye Hope

I hung up and then finished what I was doing. At 7:30 I decided to play Xbox until I fell asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now