Friday July 28th

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Hope woke up at 7 and woke me up at 7:15.

Hope: Baby Horse come on
Me: mm
Hope: Savannah, you only have 15 minutes
Me: I have a headache
Hope: well let's go eat and then well go from there
Me: okay

I got up and went to my room to change. I put on my Nike shorts and one of Brad's t-shirts. I went down to breakfast and made my plate. I sat next to Ali and leaned against her.

Ali: hey Baby Horse
Me: I wanna go back to sleep
Ali: breakfast, PT, and then you can sleep on the flight to San Diego
Me: ugh
Hope: stop complaining
Me: but my head is pounding
Hope: just eat

I finished eating and the girls went to recovery while I went to Dave for PT. I was hooked up to the machines for 20 minutes before doing my exercises. My elbow stayed at 156 and then Dave had me do a mile and a half on the treadmill. Once I finished I got ice wrapped on before going to my room. I showered and then packed my suitcase. I laid down as Alex came in.

Alex: Hope just got back to her room.
Me: okay
Alex: still got a headache?
Me: yes, it's worse now
Alex: well as long as your packed
Me: I am

Alex showered and then packed her stuff. Alex woke me up and it was time to go. We brought our stuff down and loaded the bus. I sat down next to Hope and leaned against her.

Hope: did you tell Dave you had a headache?
Me: no
Hope: he could have given you something
Me: I already took my pain medication for my elbow
Hope: I thought you stopped taking those
Me: I did for a while when I was driving but since we've upped my PT it's been hurting more
Hope: when did you take it?
Me: after PT, its why I'm tired
Hope: well just make it to the plane before you fall asleep
Me: alright

We got to the airport and got in the plane. Hope and Alex sat on either side of me and I was out before we even left the gate. The plane landed in San Diego at 2 and Hope woke me up.

Hope: come on Baby Horse
Me: mm
Hope: we have to deplane now come on
Me: everything hurts
Hope: Savannah get up
Me: I coming geez

I got up and walked off the plane. I didn't know where I was going and I turned the wrong way. Hope grabbed my shirt and pulled me to her.

Hope: pay attention or do I need to hold your hand?
Me: stop yelling at me I just woke up
Hope: then pay attention
Me: I'm going to Kell
Hope: Sava

I had already jogged away and caught up to Kelley.

Kell: Baby Horse, did your headache go away?
Me: no and Hope keeps yelling at me
Kell: at least we have lunch at the hotel
Me: good I'm starving
Kell: of course, you are

We all got on the bus and went to the hotel. We went to the meal room and got our plates. We ate and talked until Jill came in.

Jill: ladies I have your room assignments so come see me and also dinner will be at 7.

I finished my food and then cleaned up my spot. I grabbed my stuff and went to go to Jill but was stopped.

Hope: You're with me.
Me: great
Hope: you better fix your attitude because I'm tired of it
Me: yeah well, I'm tired of you
Hope: excuse me.
Me: you know what I said
Ali: Savannah don't make it worse
Me: oh my god can't everyone just leave me alone
Hope: you want to be alone so bad then get your ass to our room and don't leave it
Me: fine
Hope: uh uh leave your bag and phone
Me: here

I left my stuff and went up to my room. I turned on the TV but didn't stay awake long.

Ali: god she's in a bad mood
Alex: she woke up like that
Kelley: which time, she's been asleep all day
Hope: part of that is her medicine
Alex: I think watching us yesterday got to her
Ali: she's closer to playing than she thinks
Hope: maybe, once her ankle is cleared she has to figure out to play with her elbow
Allie: I'm sure Anson will think of something so she can play
Kelley: well she can't even pick up 5 pounds with her arm, is she going to be allowed to play?
Hope: oh I hope so

The girls talked for a couple hours until Hope said she was going up to check on me. Hope unlocked the door and saw me asleep so she set our stuff down and gently sat next to me.

Hope: Baby Horse wake up
Me: mm
Hope: come on its almost 6
Me: my headache is gone
Hope: good, I'm glad
Me: I'm sorry I yelled at you
Hope: thank you but you also need to apologize to Ali
Me: I will
Hope: I'm sorry for not being as patient as I should it been
Me: it's okay
Hope: well I will be keeping your phone until after movie night
Me: okay
Hope: Alex, Kelley, Allie, and Sonnet are in 812 if you want to go join them
Me: alright I will, thanks
Hope: I love you SB
Me: I love you too

I hung out the 4 of them until dinner. We went down and fixed our plates before listening to Jill.

Jill: Alright ladies, we have a light training tomorrow at the stadium. It will be open so let's be mindful. That is all, good night ladies.

We finished eating and then went to Horan and Allie's room for movie night. We watched Pitch Perfect 2 and then went back to our rooms.

Hope: here's your phone
Me: thanks, can I uh, can I sleep with you?
Hope: of course, come here
Me: thank you
Hope: goodnight SB
Me: goodnight mama

I got comfortable and then we were out.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now