Monday July 24th

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Kelley, Alex, and I's alarms went off at 6:30. Kelley left and Alex and I got dressed. I didn't talk like I normally do and Alex noticed.

Alex: Baby Horse are you okay?
Me: uh yeah I'm fine, let's go eat

We went to the elevator and then as soon as I got on, Alex got on and then quickly got off.

Alex: I'll be down soon
Me: what Al! you know I don't like elevators! ALEX!

The doors shut before I could get out. Alex went to find Kelley who was in Ali's room.

Alex: guys we have a problem
Ali: what?
Alex: what's today's date
Kelley: the 24th, oh
Ali: has Hope realized?
Alex: I don't know, I only thought about it because Baby Horse was being weird this morning
Kelley: well we better go find out

I fixed my plate and Hope wasn't down yet so I sat next to Allie. We ate and talked about my PT and then Hope, Ali, Alex, and Kelley came in and sat down. Jill then came in before they could say anything.

Jill: Good morning ladies, gym workout is at 8:15 so make sure we are moving. Baby Horse it's good to see you

I finished eating and put my plate away. I went to leave but Hope called my name.

Hope: Savannah where are you headed?
Me: uh I'll be back I just need to go grab something
Hope: next time ask
Me: I will

*Hope: do you three know what today is?
Alex: yeah, I realized this morning and told them.
Hope: just making sure

I grabbed my headphones and then came back down. I started my playlist and sat down next to Hope. I texted Brad and Megan to keep me busy. At 8 all of went to the gym.

Dawn: Alright ladies, lets warm up and Baby Horse Dave will be with you to start.

I walked over to Dave and he hooked up me up to the STIM machines. After 20 minutes, I did my exercises and then Dawn came over to set my brace. It still wouldn't move past 152.

Dawn: alright I want you to do some light jogging to keep strengthening your ankle

I did a couple running drills and then Dawn gave me my drink before I could go. The girls weren't done so I just stayed next to Hope's group. Once they were free to go I went with Hope to her and Kelley's room. I sat at her desk and Hope went to shower. I was watching Netflix so Hope just read her book until lunch. We went down and it was Hope, Kelley, Ali, Allie, Alex, Lindsey, and I.

Kelley: are you excited about college Baby Horse?
Me: yeah, I still have to figure out cheer though
Hope: what are you doing about food?
Me: the head nutritionist and Dawn have made a plan and my meal plan is already paid so I can eat anywhere on campus at any time
Ali: do you know how to do laundry?
Me: well between cheer and soccer the majority of what I'll be wearing in practice stuff and they wash that for us
Allie: what about regular clothes
Me: dry cleaning
Hope: oh lord, do you know how to do anything?
Me: uh I can make my bed

Allie: do you know how to clean?
Me: what do you mean by that?
Allie: like dishes, or washing floors and counters?
Me: I'm sure I could figure it out
Alex: twin what have you learned in the past 17 years?
Me: sports, Shakespeare, and calculus
Kelley: don't forget, you know how to throw some raging parties
Hope: Kelley!

We ate and talked and then we all went to mine and Alex's room to watch Netflix and play monop deal. We played and watched until dinner. After we ate I went to my room and showered before going to Hope's.

Hope: hey can we have our own movie night?
Me: yeah
Hope: okay you pick while I go brush my teeth

I picked out the movie Taken and then we both got into her bed. Hope played with my hair as we watched.

Hope: SB do you want to talk?
Me: no, its... uh I just miss her
Hope: I know SB I know

Hope just held me while I cried. Once I calmed down I was almost asleep.

Hope: goodnight SB
Me: goodnight Mama

I fell asleep and when Kelley came in she shut everything off. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now