Sunday September 3rd

430 19 3

My alarm went off at 6 and Brad and I got up. We got dressed and then went to the training room. I did my exercises and Dr. Hooker came over.

Hooker: how was your arm?
Me: perfect
Hooker: well I want you to start having it unlocked every day
Me: yes
Hooker: you still need to ice every day, but you can come in at any time now
Me: I will

Brad and I left the training room and went to eat breakfast. After we ate we went to my apartment. I got my soccer gear together and the Brad, Duke, and I went to the soccer field. I went to the locker room and found AK.

AK: hey, you looked good last night
Me: thank you
AK: was your boy upset
Me: yeah but we haven't talked about it
AK: where's Duke?
Me: Brad has him in the stands
AK: oh
Me: yeah

We went out for warmups and AK and I led. Once we got our shots I went to get my elbow taped.

Anson: lineup is Sam, Cam, Julia, Mya, Maggs, Jo, Annie, Meghan, AK, Bridge, and Baby Horse.

We got a break and then took the field. UNCW kicked off and we won possession. AK had the ball and went up the right. AK sent it in and I calmly put it in the left side of the goal. We went to half 1-0.

We kicked off the second half and I sent it to Jo who sent it up to the left side for me. I chased it down and then crossed it. Jessie headed it past the keeper to make it 2-0. No one else scored and we won 2-0. We shook hands and then Anson talked to us.

Anson: Great game ladies, stretching tomorrow at 7. You are free to go.

We went to the locker room and I changed and got my stuff. I went out and found Duke and Brad. We went back to the apartment and I showered. While I was in the shower Hope called.

Brad: hey Hope
Hope: hey Brad, where's Savannah
Brad: in the shower
Hope: oh, what happened on Saturday?
Brad: bullshit is what it is
Hope: well you had a great quarter regardless
Brad: thank you
Hope: how was her game?
Brad: they won 2-0, she had the first goal
Hope: how has her arm been?
Brad: good, she's been playing great
Hope: and the freshman problem?

Me: its fine
Hope: I'm sure, coming from you
Me: it is, how's your day been?
Hope: it's been alright, you two?
Me: good
Hope: good, congrats on your goal
Me: thank you

Me: well we're going to eat so I'll talk to you tomorrow
Hope: alright bye Brad, bye SB
Brad: bye Hope
Me: bye mama

We hung up with Hope and then I got dressed. We met Justin and Kiley and I got our food. We sat down and ate. Once we finished Brad and I went back to the apartment. We put in a movie but ended up getting distracted by each other. We ended up falling asleep around 11.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now