Tuesday August 1st

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Happy Valentine's Day!!!! 

Three alarms went off at 6:30 and we groaned but shut them off. Alex left to go to her room and Kelley and I got dressed. We went down and fixed our plates for breakfast. We finished eating and we were just talking.

Dave: Baby Horse with me
Me: uh okay

I got up and followed Dave. He hooked my ankle to the STIM machine for 20 minutes.

Dave: alright I'm going to tape your ankle but I also want you to wear your brace.
Me: okay

Once Dave finished taping I quickly changed and got on the bus. We went to the stadium and unloaded. Dave tossed me cleats and told me to warm up with the girls. Once we finished Dave pulled me out.

Dave: we are going to a couple drills to make sure you are completely stretched and warmed up.
Me: alright

We did multiple movement and passing drills before Jill called everyone in.

Jill: so, to end training we are going to do a possession game. The rule is Baby Horse cannot be touched.
Me: wait I get to play?
Jill: yes
Me: yes! Finally!
Dawn: you're on blue

I put the penny on and the game started. I was doing well but I could definitely tell I needed to work on getting back to the speed of play. Jill called training and everyone loaded up the bus.

Kelley: how did playing feel
Me: amazing
Alex: you looked good
Me: thank you twin

We got back to the hotel and I went with Dave to the training room. I had ice wrapped around my ankle while I did my elbow exercises. Dave set my brace to 160 and I went to my room to shower. Once I dried off and got dressed it was time for lunch. I went down and fixed my plate.

Hope: did Brad and Justin make it to UNC yet?
Me: yeah, they landed like 20 minutes ago, Coach Fedora picked them up
Alex: when do they get their trucks?
Me: I think like 6

I finished eating and then cleaned up my spot.

Me: is it okay if I go call Spencer?
Hope: for what?
Me: about my 4Runner
Hope: yeah sure

I left and went up to my room.

Spencer: hey Baby Horse
Me: hey Spence
Spencer: what's up
Me: well I heard that you talked to Kelley about wanting a 4Runner and I happen to have one that I need to sell
Spencer: seriously!
Me: yeah it's a 2017 blacked out limited
Spencer: how much are you looking for
Me: since it's you, I'll say 26,000

Spencer: no way are you kidding
Me: nope
Spencer: it's a deal man
Me: perfect I'll get all the paperwork set up and whenever you can, we can get it worked out
Spencer: perfect, thank you so much
Me: of course well I have to go
Spencer: okay bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Spence

I hung up with Spencer and Kelley came in.

Kelley: what did Spencer say?
Me: she's going to buy it
Kelley: oh good
Me: well I have to go to Hope's wanna come?
Kelley: ha no, Horan, Sonnet and I are going around town
Me: ugh

I got my computer and went to Hope's.

Me: hey Spencer is going to buy my 4Runner
Hope: so you're keeping the Rover?
Me: yeah it matches the Audi
Hope: have you talked to your dad or your sister?
Me: no and I don't want to
Hope: Savannah
Me: you're not going to get me to change my mind
Hope: I just don't get why in the past year this has been getting worse
Me: maybe because I'm the only one trying and I'm tired of it
Hope: they have just as busy lives as you do
Me: and yet somehow they can't take 5 minutes to pick up a phone
Hope: I know but so can you
Me: that's my point, Hope. I shouldn't have to every time
Hope: no, you shouldn't but once in a while you should
Me: oh my god, that's the only time we would talk, don't you get it
Hope: watch your tone
Me: can we stop talking about this?
Hope: fine, for now

I sat down and worked on party details and my packing list. We went down to dinner at 7 and I fixed my plate before sitting next to Alex.

Alex: so have you figured anything out for cheer?
Me: uh yeah kind of, I'm definitely going to be on cheer
Kelley: awe yay
Me: I'll do uniform fittings when I get there
Hope: what about your elbow?
Me: I'll do what I can until I'm cleared
Allie: I can't even imagine being a cheerleader
Alex: I wanted to be one but wasn't flexible enough plus I didn't have much time
Me: oh speaking of I need to start my stretching routine again
Hope: you'll have to ask Dave or Dawn first
Me: I will

We finished eating and cleared our table. Kelley and I went to the room and changed before going to Horan and Allie's room for movie night. I fell asleep like normal and Hope carried me to bed and plugged in my phone before going to sleep herself. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now