Friday September 1st

390 22 0

I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I fed Duke and then we went to the training room. I did my exercises and then Dr. Hooker set my brace. I left and went straight to Jackie's office.

Jackie: Savannah, it's good to see you
Me: and you
Jackie: well let's get you weighed and then take some blood

I got on the scale and it read 110.

Jackie: well we're consistent so that's good

After Jackie took my blood we sat down to talk.

Jackie: I'm assuming, still no period?
Me: a correct assumption
Jackie: well eating wise, you are doing great? How is the amount?
Me: it's good, it's just hard with not a lot of time to eat
Jackie: well once you start flying everywhere, you need to make sure you keep hydrated and eat on time
Me: of course,
Jackie: well you are free to go
Me: thank you

I left and went back to my apartment. Brad had made pancakes, eggs, bacon and toast.

Me: I thought football didn't end until 9?
Brad: we ended early
Me: well thank you for breakfast
Brad: of course

Brad and I ate and then we played Call of Duty until lunch. We went to Up Dog to meet Justin, Kiley, Mac, and Mac's boyfriend Austin.

Mac: Austin, this is Brad and Savannah and then Justin and Kiley. Guys this is Austin, he plays tennis
Kiley: it's nice to meet you
Austin: you too

We all ordered and talked as we ate. Once it hit 2:30 I had to go. I went to my apartment and got my gear together. I let Duke eat before going to the locker room.

AK: Baby Horse how's your meeting go?
Me: it went fine, I'm consistent at 110 so we'll see if it stays when I get busier
AK: well that's good

I changed into my warmup gear and my cleats. We went out at 4 and started warmups. Once I got my shots I went to get my elbow taped.

Anson: lineup is Sam, Mya, Julia, Maggs, Cam, Ja, Annie, Meghan, Jessie, AK and Baby Horse

I joined the huddle and got the break. We took the field and the whistle blew. Auburn kicked off and kept possession. In the 18th minute, Meghan dribbled up but when 2 defenders stepped she dropped the ball to me. I separated from my defender and shot from 25 yards out. The keeper wasn't expecting it and it went to make it 1-0. 10 minutes later Meghan won a PK and put us up 2-0. We went to half and Anson talked to us.

We went back out and Alyssa came on for AK, Abby for Cam, and Bridge for Meghan. 15 minutes in the 2nd half we won a free kick and Jo sent it in over the wall and into the left upper 90 to make it 3-0. With 10 minutes left I won the ball off a cross but was defended so I passed to Jo who had an open shot to make it 4-0. The last goal came from Bridge in the last two minutes. A defender had taken a mis-touch and she bent it into the left side netting. The final whistle blew, and we shook hands before getting a cooldown.

Anson: great game ladies. Stretching and recovery at 8 tomorrow. See you then

We went to the locker room to change. I got my stuff together and got back to my apartment around 8. I showered and then Brad brought over dinner. We ate and then started a movie. We were distracting each other until Hope called.

Me: you know, you always call at the worst time
Hope: well hello to you
Me: sorry, how was your day?
Hope: it was good, how was your game?
Me: good. We won 5-0, Jo had two, me, Meghan, and Bridge had one
Hope: good
Me: yeah
Hope: so what's your schedule tomorrow
Me: recovery at 8, cheer 10:30 – 12:30 and then I have to be at the stadium at 5:30.
Hope: what color are you wearing?
Me: white
Brad: and we're in blue

Hope: well good luck tomorrow
Brad: thank you
Me: well I will talk to you tomorrow
Hope: alright bye SB
US: bye Hope

We hung up and continued with our distractions before falling asleep around 11. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now