Thursday August 17th

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I woke up at 5 and got dressed. I fed Duke before making my drinks. I grabbed my food and headed out. I parked and got out. I ate and stretched with the girls. We set out with a 7:40 pace and finished at 6:15. We got a cool down and then went to get something to eat. The other girls showed up and we warmed up. Our group started with the ab circuit and then ended with the agility drills. We finished, and I went to my PT. I did my exercises and my brace stayed at 178. I got lunch and went back to the apartment. I ate and then went over to Kiley's room.

Mac: hey Savannah
Me: hey Mac, hey Kiley
Kiley: hey
Me: excited to get uniforms today
Kiley: yes!
Mac: I forget you're a cheerleader too
Me: everyone does
Kiley: they really do

We sat and talked until Mac and I had to leave for practice. I parked and then AK and I put on our cleats. We warmed up and then went into small sided games. After what felt like forever Dino called practice. We came in and sat down.

Dino: It might be a scrimmage, but it still counts so let's start off on the right foot. Be here no later than 4:15 and make sure you have everything.

We were free to go, and I went to dinner with Kiley. We ate and then had to go to cheer.

Walter: before we warm up we'll do cheer boxes to make sure everything fits. You have 5 uniforms, 3 shirts and 3 shorts. 2 pairs of poms and 2 pairs of shoes. 4 bows and a bag with your name.

We got our stuff and had to try on all 5 uniforms. Thankfully everyone's fit. We went back out and then actually warmed up. We did cheers and then we went to the weight room. The girls did ab work while the guys did a bunch of upper body work. We were free to go, and I made it back to my apartment by 9:15. I showered and then fed Duke while I ate too. I got ready for bed and then texted Kelley.

Me: hey Squirrel
Kell: Baby Horse, how is preseason
Me: it was fine, we have our first game/scrimmage against Duke tomorrow
Kell: wait what number are you? You never told us
Me: 13
Kell: no way!
Me: yeah
Kell: does Al know?
Me: nope, it's going to be a surprise
Kell: awe
Me: yeah its why I haven't posted pic from soccer
Kell: how are you going to tell her?
Me: I was going to post a pic after the game
Kell: cute!
Me: well it's late
Kell: yeah it is, good night Baby Horse
Me: good night Kell

I plugged my phone in and fell asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now