Friday & Wednesday July 15th & 19th

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I woke up at 9 and got dressed before eating breakfast. Brad picked me up at 10 and we went to the hospital.

Sloan: good morning Savannah and Brad
Me: good morning
Brad: good morning
Sloan: we let's get you MRI'd

After the MRI's the 3 of us talked about going to UNC. The technician came in and talked to Dr. Sloan.

Sloan: well your ankle is looking really good, so we are going to clear you to get out of the boot. You'll be wearing a brace instead.
Me: finally!
Sloan: now your elbow is progressing but slowly
Me: yeah, I could have told you that
Sloan: well you are free to go
Me: thank you Dr.

Brad and I went down and ate lunch with Mike and Sarah.

Mike: so, when did you two want to move in?
Brad: well I need to be there before the 3rd so I would say the 1st so I can get settled
Me: well I don't have to be there until the 10th
Sarah: well what about Justin and Kiley
Brad: we didn't even think about that. Justin and I could move in together and then Kiley and Savannah could
Me: yeah, I'll text her and see if the 8th works for her.
Mike: alright we what about cars?
Brad: we could pack them with the majority of our stuff and have them delivered
Sarah: yeah that'd be easier than driving them
Mike: well start thinking about what you're bringing

We finished eating and his parents had rounds so Brad and I went back to my house. We watched TV until I got a call from Dawn.

Me: hello
Dawn: Baby Horse is this a good time?
Me: yes of course
Dawn: well I heard you are out of your boot
Me: as of today, yes
Dawn: well I want you to come to the Tourney of Nation camp so I can work with you and monitor your rehab in person
Me: uh okay, oh I haven't put it in yet but I'm at 108.
Dawn: that's great. Well I will see you at camp, bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Dawn

I hung up with Dawn and told Brad I was going to camp. We ate dinner and then Hope called me.

Me: hey Hopester
Hope: how's your appointment go?
Me: great, I'm out of my boot and also guess what
Hope: what?
Me: I get to come to camp! Just so Dawn can do rehab with me but still
Hope: that's great, so when do you report for UNC?
Me: the 10th so I plan on moving in on the 8th
Hope: well if you need help let me know
Me: I will
Hope: well I have to go
Me: alright bye Mama
Hope: bye SB

I hung with Hope and Brad and I put in a movie. The movie ended and we went to bed.


I woke up at 7 and woke up Brad

Me: let's go to IHop
Brad: uh okay

Brad and I got dressed and we went to IHop. After we ate I dragged Brad to the mall. At 12 we ate lunch at chick-fil-a and then we went back to my house. Brad unlocked the door and went in.

Everyone: SURPRISE!
Me: Happy Birthday Babe

Brad's heart rate came back down and he thanked everyone. We started the music outside and we all got in the pool. For the rest of the day, the party got bigger and bigger. Everyone swam, drank and ate cake. Once the majority of the people left Brad and I escaped to my room.

Brad: thank you baby
Me: mm for what?
Brad: for breakfast this morning, the shoes you didn't think I saw you buy for me, and this party
Me: are you sure the party was my idea
Brad: positive because only you had the time to plan it
Me: fine it was my idea but you have one more present to open, wait here.

I went to my closet and put on my hot pink lingerie set. I opened the door and Brad's mouth dropped.

Brad: god damn woman
Me: why thank you
Brad: come here baby

Brad opened his present and we crashed around 3 am.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now