Tuesday & Wednesday June 20th & 21st

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I woke up at 6 and fed Duke. I made my drinks and got dressed. The 4 of us went down to breakfast and then walked down to the fields. USA was playing Houston in the final. Our team won 3-2 and then they went back to the dorm. Team USA got jerseys for winning and then checkout started at 10:30. I took pictures with a lot of the girls and signed some things. Once all of the girls left Anson drove me to PT.

Dr. Hooker: I forgot to set your brace yesterday, I'm sorry but remind me before you leave so I can
Me: alright

Dr. Hooker hooked me up to the machines for 20 minutes and then I did the treadmill for 30. I got out and changed before getting on the table so Dr. Hooker could set my brace. We got it to go to 140.

Hooker: well progress is progress
Me: yeah
Hooker: bye Savannah
Me: bye Doc

Anson drove me back to the dorm to get my stuff and then drove me to his house.

Anson: oh, I have the apartment papers for you to sign
Me: okay, thank you

I signed the papers and then went out to call Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: hey
Hope: how was PT?
Me: good, I'm at 140 and walking with 50 percent of my bodyweight
Hope: that's good
Me: yeah, what have you been doing?
Hope: just training, how did your team do?
Me: we won, oh guess what?
Hope: what?
Me: I just signed my apartment papers
Hope: oh good, so you can move in at any time right?
Me: yeah but I probably won't until the beginning of August
Hope: alright well don't forget to tell me what you plan
Me: I won't but I better go its lunchtime
Hope: okay bye SB
Me: bye mama

I hung up with Hope and then went inside to eat lunch. After lunch, Anson's wife M'Liss and I talked for a while. Around 3 I went to my room and watched Netflix while I caught up with social media. We ate dinner at 8 and then I showered and updated my log before going to bed. 


I woke up at 7 and let Duke out. I made my drinks and then went to eat breakfast.

M'Liss: Good morning Baby Horse
Me: good morning M'Liss, thank you for breakfast
M'Liss: of course
Me: where's Anson
M'Liss: he left for a meeting this morning
Me: oh alright

M'Liss and I ate and then I went to get dressed. I made sure I had all of my stuff ready and then packed my backpack. Anson came back and then drove me to the airport.

Anson: well, I will see you in August
Me: you will and thank you for having me
Anson: of course, bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Anson

I went through security and then went to my gate. I boarded at 11 and landed at 12:30. I went to baggage claim and saw Brad.

Me: hey babe
Brad: hey how was camp and PT?
Me: good and good, what did you do?
Brad: Justin and I took the bikes to the track a couple times and I also helped Rand and Aulds baseball teams
Me: oh good
Brad: there's your bag, give me a sec

Brad got my bag and then we went to his truck. Brad drove us to my house and Lydia had lunch ready. We ate and then Brad and I went to my closet to unpack my things. Once we finished we out in a movie and curled up on the couch together.

Me: I missed you, watching everyone play was hard
Brad: I know but you're not too far away from playing yourself
Me: yeah, I know

We ate dinner at 7 and then put on Netflix while we talked. We got distracted with each other and ended up falling asleep around 1. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now